Surveys for professors or teachers

  • Asosiy
  • Surveys for professors or teachers



Dear professor-teacher!

Your opinion is very important to us in order to improve the quality of the educational process in the higher education institution. Therefore, we ask you to answer the questions of the questionnaire. Answer each question. The survey is confidential, it is not necessary to reveal your name. Your opinion will be considered only as a generalization and will help the higher education institution to improve the quality of education. Thank you in advance for your honest and sincere answers!


1.Do you think that a healthy environment is provided in your work team?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. I have a hard time answering

2.Are working conditions satisfactory at your higher education institution?

  1. fully satisfied
  2. it can be said that it is satisfactory
  3. average, satisfactory
  4. can be said to be unsatisfactory
  5. completely unsatisfied
  6. I have a hard time answering

3.Are you satisfied with the relationship between the rector and professors at your higher education institution?

  1. fully satisfied
  2. can be said to be unsatisfactory
  3. average, satisfactory
  4. completely unsatisfied
  5. I have a hard time answering

4.Are you satisfied with the relationship between vice-rectors and professors at your higher education institution?

  1. fully satisfied
  2. average, satisfactory
  3. can be said to be unsatisfactory
  4. completely unsatisfied
  5. I have a hard time answering

5.Are you satisfied with the relationship between deans and professors at your higher education institution?

  1. fully satisfied
  2. average, satisfactory
  3. can be said to be unsatisfactory
  4. completely unsatisfied
  5. I have a hard time answering

6.What is the attitude of the team leader to his subordinates?

  1. democratic, populist
  2. fair, strict
  3. authoritarian, rude
  4. unfair
  5. I have a hard time answering

7.Would you rate the cohesion level of your work team?

  1. strong, united team
  2. the relationship is sincere
  3. formality is the priority in relations
  4. there is an atmosphere of mutual envy and selfishness
  5. the team is divided into groups
  6. I have a hard time answering

8.What conflicts exist in your work team?

  1. there are conflicts related to work
  2. personal conflicts take precedence
  3. there are no conflicts
  4. I have a hard time answering

9.What are the factors that destroy a healthy environment in your work team?

  1. conflicts between management and professors
  2. injustices in governance
  3. nepotism, nepotism
  4. localism
  5. nationalism
  6. factionalism based on interests
  7. bribery
  8. I have a hard time answering

10.If there are individuals or groups in the community that disrupt the general atmosphere, how does the rector react to them?

  1. afraid of a quarrel, he does what they say
  2. a strict, principled attitude is expressed to cases of groupism
  3. discusses among the public
  4. does not take any action
  5. I have a hard time answering