MODERNISATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN CENTRAL ASIA THROUGH NEW TECHNOLOGIES (HiEdTec). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.
Coordinator: Sobirjan Yusupov, Associate Professor
Mob: 998 93 387 64 11
The consortium’s main aims are:
- adapt the education system in the PCs to the digital generation through the introduction and effective implementation of ICT-based innovative educational technologies and didactic models in the teaching process;
- enhance the international dimension of education and training through strengthened links between the EU and PCs universities, exchange of expertise and good practices in the areas of digital pedagogies and IET.
Specific project objectives are to:
- develop a Sustainable academic network for sharing experience and exchange of good practices in the field of IET and didactic models by August 2019.
The network will initially comprise of project PC universities, but it will be open for other HEIs in the PCs to join at a later stage. It will continue functioning after the official project end, thus contributing to project impact and sustainability improvement. - develop Concepts of adapting the education system to the digital generation by December 2019 by taking into consideration the specific conditions of each of the PCs.
The goal of the Concepts is to adapt the educational system to the digital generation by introducing and implementing effectively IET and didactic models in the education process, thus providing an opportunity for EVERYBODY to learn at ANY time and at ANY place with the help of ANY lecturer using ANY end device – computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc. - create IET Centres, active learning classrooms, virtual classrooms in all PC HEIs by November 2019. A prerequisite for the development of the Centres is the EU requirement for opening up education through new technologies. The boost of digital technologies in the delivery of high quality teaching suited to the needs of digital learners in the PC institutions requires the opening of suitable learning environments for this purpose, the introduction and piloting of new educational technologies and the training of teaching staff to use them effectively in formal education.
- organize courses for trainers and lecturers for the acquisition of digital skills and innovative teaching and learning methods by September 2020.
- develop OERs and a Cloud-based virtual library of the digital educational resources by August 2021.
- raise awareness of the need to adapt the education system to the digital generation in the PCs institutions and in society at large. All dissemination activities will be directed towards achieving this goal. Special emphasis will be placed on the successful provision of dissemination activities at national level (within the PCs) in order to reach a wide spectrum of audiences and make sure the impact of the project goes beyond the institutions directly involved in it.
By achieving these objectives the project will help turn the partner universities into innovative universities and to improve the quality of the trained specialists necessary to perform the Digital Transformation of Industries (Industry 4.0).
- Sustainable academic network for sharing experience and exchange of good practices in the field of innovative educational technologies and didactic models;
- 5 Concepts of adapting the education system to the digital generation - 1 per Partner country (PC);
- 15 Centres for innovative educational technologies - 1 at each PC university;
- 45 active learning classrooms - 3 at each PC university;
- Virtual classrooms – 1 at each PC university;
- Handbook of innovative educational technologies;
- Courses for trainers for the acquisition of digital skills and learning methods;
- Courses for lecturers for the acquisition of digital skills and learning methods;
- 75 e-Learning courses - 5 at each PC university;
- 75 PowerPoint presentations of lectures, suitable for delivering using interactive electronic white board - 5 at each PC university;
- Cloud-based Virtual Library of the digital educational resources.
On March 11-16 in this year professors from the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (TUIT) took part in the kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS + project in Ruse University, Bulgaria. 598092-EPP-1-2018-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP named project is aimed at “Modernization of higher education in Central Asia through new technologies, HiEdTec” that in the meeting total 54 participates attended from 15 higher education of European and Asian institutions from Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Luxemburg and from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan as well as from Ministry of Higher Education.

In the project, the level and the using of accessibility of innovative educational technologies in the educational processes and international cooperation of Europe and Central Asia universities outlined. Professor and project coordinator Angel Smrikarov from “Angel Kanchev” Ruse University gave an interesting lecture on the issues of effective ways of using innovative educational technologies and actual implementing of new generation technologies in education.

Within the scope of the project, between TUIT and Ruse University Memorandum and Agreement signed for cooperating in the field of education and research, developing professional qualification programs for professors, developing exchange programs for bachelors, masters and doctors, developing joint scientific-research programs to establish regular meetings for the development of education.