Sustainable investing policy

  • Asosiy
  • Sustainable investing policy

Policy Overview: The TUIT University fully accepts the importance of its endowment to be managed in a way that promotes de-carbonization in order to meet the goals of international treaty to combat global climate change under Paris Agreement. The University is conscious towards its endowment for effectively promoting the task of biodiversity. This policy establishes the objectives and parameters of the University investment portfolios and outlines how the University is embracing environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors within its investments, reflecting the ambitious sustainability agenda within the University.

Policy Objectives: The students/research scholars are the futuristic leaders of our society. The noble cause on environmental sustainability will be fulfilled through the education we provide to them. They will play a vital role to develop the technological and policy solutions required for effective outcomes in the future world. Eventually, the University has to play a role in changing the thought process of students/ research scholars and faculty towards environmental sustainability for the sake of global welfare.

Scope of the Policy: To achieve the objective, University has adopted the policies that promote the wellbeing of society by reducing the impact on the environment and will reflect the institution’s approach to tackle with climate change and major global challenges. The sustainable investment policy will be reviewed by the Investment Committee on regular basis at least once per annum. To make it more effective an Alumni representative from the TUIT University Students’ Alumni Cell be included in the committee. The following investment policy is applied to the University endowments.


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