🗓 O‘tkazilish sanasi: 20-21-22-sentyabr, soat 09:00
📍 O‘tkazilish joyi: Turin politexnika universiteti
Yosh mutaxassislardan iborat jamoalar 5 ta yo‘nalish bo‘yicha musobaqalashadi:
🟢 Sun’iy intellekt texnologiyalari
🟢 Ta’limda raqamli texnologiyalar
🟢 Sog‘liqni saqlashda raqamli texnologiyalar
🟢 Tadbirkorlik va moliyaviy texnologiyalar
🟢 Qishloq xo‘jaligi va yashil energetikada raqamli texnologiyalar
Ishtirokchilar 3 kun davomida tajribali murabbiylar rahbarligida innovatsion loyihalar ustida ish olib borishadi.
🎉 Final bosqichida 15 ta eng yaxshi jamoa o‘z g‘oyalarini hakamlar hayʼatiga taqdim etadi. G‘olib bosh sovrin 100 000 AQSH dollarini qo‘lga kiritadi!
🐦 A major Hackathon will take place as part of the President Tech Award
🗓 Date: September 20-21-22, 09:00 am
📍 Venue: Turin Polytechnic University
Teams of young professionals will compete across 5 categories:
🟢 Artificial Intelligence Technologies
🟢 Digital Technologies in Education
🟢 Digital Technologies in Healthcare
🟢 Entrepreneurship and FinTech
🟢 Digital Technologies in Agriculture and Green Energy
Over three days, participants will develop innovative projects under the mentorship of seasoned exports.
🎉 In the final round, the top 15 teams will present their ideas to the panel of judges. The winning team will receive a grand prize of $100,000!