is the first IT university in Uzbekistan that became a member of a global educational consortium University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR) established in the People's Republic of China.

  • Asosiy
  • is the first IT university in Uzbekistan that became a member of a global educational consortium University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR) established in the People's Republic of China.

Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, among the top higher education institutions in the world, is the first IT university in Uzbekistan that became a member of a global educational consortium University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR) established in the People’s Republic of China.
As a result of the positive reforms carried out in our country in the field of higher education in recent years, which opened wide opportunities for the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, among the prestigious universities of the world, our University has been accepted as a full member of the global educational consortium University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR).
University Alliance of the Silk Road is a non-governmental and non-profit organization focused on openness and international cooperation in the field of higher education that helps expand cooperation in talent training, scientific research, culture dissemination, and IT education development. Currently, more than 150 prestigious universities of the world from 37 countries and regions are members of this alliance.
The university’s membership in this prestigious alliance contributes to the improvement of its position in the international QS and THE ratings, as well as the development of cooperation with the world’s leading TOP universities, to achieve new goals and to raise the international image of the University to a higher level.