A seminar was organized between the professors and teachers of the departments of the "Telecommunication Technologies" faculty and the experts of the state unitary enterprise "Telecommunication Networks Management Center of Uzbekistan".

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  • A seminar was organized between the professors and teachers of the departments of the "Telecommunication Technologies" faculty and the experts of the state unitary enterprise "Telecommunication Networks Management Center of Uzbekistan".

A seminar between professors and teachers of the departments of the Faculty of "Telecommunication Technologies" and specialists of the state unitary enterprise "Uzbekistan Telecommunication Networks Management Center" on the plan to organize meetings with company managers and specialists at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi was established.

✅ Deputy head of "Telecommunication network monitoring and management service" Zilolov Fazliddin Khayatovich and chief specialist Usmanov Sherzod Mirnumonovich gave a lecture on the topic "Automated management system of telecommunications networks".

📶 In the seminar, it was mentioned about the control of the quality of service of mobile communication companies operating in our Republic, the online monitoring status of mobile communication operators and the factors affecting the quality of communication.