We invite all students to take part in the I International contest “Al-Khwarizmi” (AKHIMO) on mathematics, which will be held in 2018. The Olympiad will be held in October 26-31 at Urgench State University.
The higher education institution confirms its participation in the Contest by online registration on the official website (www.akhimo.uz), indicating the members of the group or sending an official letter to the organizing committee email (akhimo2018@edu.uz) until September 30, 2018.
The Al-Khwarizmi International contest (AKHIMO) is held once every two years. From 26 to 31 October 2018 the I International contest on Mathematics "Al-Khwarizmi" will be held in Khorezm. The Contest is organized by the National University of Uzbekistan and Urgench State University.
Each team member must be represented by 1 team leader, 1 deputy leader and 4 contestants. The participating group must independently cover all travel expenses. Accommodation, meals, excursions and airport transfers between Urgench and Urgench International Airport will be provided by the Organizing Committee.