Head of the department:
Jo‘raev Lazizjon Norovich
About the Department of Organizational Control
The Department of organizational control is organized by the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 183-F of the University of August 20, 2022 “on additional measures to ensure the independence of academic and organizational management of State Higher Education Institutions”of December 24, 2021 PQ-60, orders No. 707 and No. 708 of the Ministry of development of Information Technology and communications of December 29, 2021 and Orders No. 541 of the Ministry of higher and secondary special education of December 27, 2021 it was established in order to ensure its execution.
In its activities, the department adheres to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, laws, decrees, decisions and orders of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, normative acts of the University and the regulation of the administration. The department carries out its activities under the direction of the rector of the University.The department includes 3 departments, work with appeals from individuals and legal entities, control and monitoring Department, Office and archive.
The main tasks of the organizational control department
To control the development of proposals in the field of development of information technologies and communications for inclusion in the project of annual state programs (the so-called state program next) Approved within the framework of the strategy of action on the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 in the departments, departments, centers, faculties and departments of the University;Control over the development of work plans of TATU on the basis of the relevant (I and II semi-annual) work plans of the Ministry of Information Technology and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the implementation of activities established in the work plan by departments and departments, as well as units included in the organizational structure;
“President Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan Sh.Control over the implementation of the “roadmap” carried out by TATU on the implementation of the tasks set out in the appeals of Mirziyoev to the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Control over the implementation of “road maps " approved by the results of the visits of the rector and vice-rectors of the university to foreign countries;On the basis of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decrees of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders and orders from higher standing organizations, letters of assignment, as well as the preparation of an internal order on statements approved by the minister for the development of Information Technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the;
Control over the preparation of an internal order on decisions of jury meetings of the Ministry of Information Technology and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the statements of videoselector meetings, delivery to responsible performers and implementation of specified tasks;
Control over the implementation of the tasks assigned to the departments and departments of the university, as well as its units within the organizational structure, on the meeting of the Scientific Council of TATU;
Preparation of agenda issues on the meeting of the TATU Rectorate and quick meetings, as well as drawing up minutes of meetings and conducting executive control over the prescribed tasks;
Organization of work on the basis of the procedure established by the appeals of individuals and legal entities (in the next place - appeals of individuals and legal entities), which are also coming through the virtual reception of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other electronic systems, and at the same time, coming orally;
Taking into control the consideration of appeals to Tatu from individuals and legal entities in the prescribed manner and within the deadlines;
Development of proposals for improving the system of work with appeals of individuals and legal entities in TATU and its regional branches;
Participation in the formation and implementation of information policy established by the TATU leadership in accordance with modern requirements;
ensure effective and practical cooperation with information services of state and economic management bodies in the implementation of unified state policy in the field of information;
Organization of comprehensive work on monitoring and analysis of the information field, preparation of proposals with experts on types, methods and level of reaction to them, media, including the distribution of materials on the internet network;
to conduct and organize monitoring of the information space, to quickly react to critical and widely discussed information attacks, to organize work on the dissemination of information related to the activities of TATU in the media and the Internet network;
Control over the creation of working conditions that meet the requirements of the time for employees in the procedure established at TATU;
Control over the conduct of Economic Work in the building of TATU and its regional branches, the effective use of educational auditoriums and sports facilities, the progress, quality, completion of the construction work carried out and the targeted expenditure of funds on construction work;
Organization of proceedings in the TATU management apparatus in the prescribed manner and control its proper conduct;
In TATU and its territorial branches edo.ijro.uz enforcement discipline control of the exchange of documents in the interdepartmental unified electronic system;
Control over the execution of tasks assigned and tasks assigned on the basis of relevant executive documents in the departments and departments of the Tuit, as well as in the units included in the organizational structure.
Murojatlar hisoboti | |
4117-6-01 | Yuklab olish |
3231-09 | Yuklab olish |
Murojatlar hisoboti TATU | Yuklab olish |
2021 yanvardan sentabrgacha 9-oylik | Yuklab olish |
2022 yanvardan sentabrgacha 9-oylik | Yuklab olish |
2023 yanvar- iyun | Yuklab olish |
Buyruqlar hisoboti | |
2-chorak buyruqlar | Yuklab olish |
3-chorak xisobot TATU dan | Yuklab olish |
3256-09 3-chorak buyruqlar hisoboti | Yuklab olish |
4142-1-01 buyruqlar ijrosi TATU | Yuklab olish |
TATUdan 2-chorak buyruqlar hisoboti | Yuklab olish |
TATUdan 2-chorak buyruqlar hisobotiTATUdan 1-chorak hisoboti 2022 yil | Yuklab olish |
Hayat qarorlari hisoboti | |
OTV 4-hayat qarori hisoboti | Yuklab olish |
OTV 2022-yil davomidagi hayat qarorlari bo‘yicha ma’lumot | Yuklab olish |
OTV hayat qarorlari 2021-yil 4-chorak hisoboti | Yuklab olish |
OTV Hayat qarorlari 2022-yil 1-chorak hisoboti | Yuklab olish |
Hayat qarorlari 2022-yil 3-chorak hisoboti | Yuklab olish |