
TATU talabasi "Best of the Best" chempionlik kamari sohibi

11-06-2019 | 10:57

Joriy yilning 9-iyun kuni Qarshi shahrida professional Kikboksing janglari o‘tkazildi.

"Innovative ideas, technologies and projects" fair in TUIT

07-06-2019 | 14:24

On May of this year in accordance with Article 11 of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 5, 2018 “On Additional Measures to Improve the Quality of Education in Higher Educational Institutions and Ensure their Active Participation in Large-Scale Reforms Implemented in the Country” and the implementation of 5 initiatives of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi a fair "Innovative ideas, technologies and projects" was organized.

To the attention of teaching staff!

04-06-2019 | 06:58

We invite you to take part in a scientific seminar devoted to the discussion of dissertation of Normatov Sherbek Bakhtiyorovich on topic "Methods, algorithms and software for ensuring information security of corporate information library networks" for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD) in the specialty 05.01.05 - “Methods and systems of information security. Information Security".

TATUning professor-o‘qituvchilari hamda talabalari professor Bonch-Bruevich nomidagi Sankt-Peterburg davlat telekommunikatsiya universitetiga tashrif buyurdilar

01-06-2019 | 06:17

Joriy yilning 25-31 may kunlari professor Bonch-Bruevich nomidagi Sankt-Peterburg davlat telekommunikatsiya universitetida “Assotsiatsiya studencheskix meditsentrov (ASM)” loyihasi doirasida tashkillashtirilgan “Sifrovыe texnologii sozdaniya mediakontenta” mavzuidagi malaka oshirish va tajriba almashish tashkil etildi. Kursda ishtirok etish uchun Muxammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi TATUning quyidagi professor-o‘qituvchilari hamda talabalari ishtirok etdilar: “Televizion texnologiyalar” fakulteti dekani

Future is in the hands of young generation and family goals

31-05-2019 | 04:44

The youth is the creator of the future of the country. Caring for young people is the key to a successful tomorrow. Therefore, the interests of young people play a leading role in the transformations in social and political life, in the basis of the ongoing reforms and innovations.


31-05-2019 | 04:33

On March 19 of this year, the President of our country launched 5 important initiatives aimed at working in the social, spiritual and educational spheres.