The "Global Sustainable Development Congress" is being held in Bangkok, Thailand

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  • The "Global Sustainable Development Congress" is being held in Bangkok, Thailand

On June 10-13, the delegation of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the heads of higher education institutions are participating in the "Global Sustainable Development Congress" organized by the "Times Higher Education" international rating organization.

Discussions focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, strengthening the position of higher education institutions in the international ranking, and developing cooperative relations are being held there.

Also, the results of "Impact ranking - 2024" are expected to be announced within the event.

A total of 10 Higher Education Institutions will participate in the exhibition of higher education institutions within the framework of the congress in order to increase the scientific and pedagogical potential, publicize the reforms implemented in the field, promote gender equality, educational inclusion, sustainable development, and attract foreign students and professors. The Uzbekistan pavilion was established.

Within the congress, the universities of Uzbekistan are establishing mutual cooperation relations with prestigious foreign universities.