The key to your future success is persistence in learning! Do not abandon the education that began with good intentions, finish it!

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  • The key to your future success is persistence in learning! Do not abandon the education that began with good intentions, finish it!

Scientists have found out that people who are diligent and work hard towards their goals achieve success better than children born in a richer family or with better natural learning abilities. (There is a good TED Talk on this topic: )

One of the biggest problems of our IT education residents in an open conversation is that many of our young people drop out of the classes they start before they finish. Or a great project has been created for learning English online for free: Ibrat farzandlari ( , the videos at the beginning of which our young people have watched more than a million times with good intentions to learn English who started learning, but barely 50,000 went to the 25th lesson, and only 10,000 went to the 100th lesson. It is our young people who work diligently and get higher IELTS scores and earn better income in the future. The only difference between millions of other young people who started with them, but left before finishing, is that they lack perseverance. Even if they have the Internet and time, they are distracted by other idle things and do not try to continue their studies.

Therefore, do not waste your time on the Internet in the summer, learn a foreign language and useful skills in the future. Only by working hard can you achieve your goals, otherwise they will remain just a dream…