#MITCROADMAP2018: Present and future of ICT sphere in Uzbekistan

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On May 22, 2018, conference # MITCROADMAP2018 of the Ministry for the development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan will be held at INHA University in Tashkent.
During the event, important points of the Roadmap for the cardinal improvement of the information technology and communications system for 2018-2019, problems and prospects for the development of the ICT industry, trends in the development of IT education, and interaction between the state and business will be discussed.
Minister for the development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan Azim Ahmedkhadzhayev will tell about present and future of ICT sphere in Uzbekistan, and Farhod Roziev, the head of Uzbektelecom JSC will tell about the transformation of the national operator. An important role at the conference is allocated to the IT education sector. In this context, the rector of INHA University Sarvar Babakhodjaev will inform the public about how to prepare an innovative generation. Farkhod Ibragimov, director of the Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Center, Hikmat Abdurakhmanov, chairman of the International Business and Technology Association (AMBiT), as well as the consultant of the Ministry of Finance on drafting legislation, the head of the Russian Post (1999-2004), Evgeny Birger, will present their decisions on improvement of the ICT industry. Do you Want to participate in the conference #MITCROADMAP2018? In order to do this you need to register. Registration will last until May 17, 2018. Number of seats are limited. Registration is also valid for the media. For the first time in the ministry's history, a special page (http://mitc.uz/ru/conference/index#map-inha) is launched on the site, which contains detailed information about the upcoming conference. In addition, on the same page before May 17, anyone can ask a question from the minister or from one of the speakers on the existing problems in the sphere. Answers to the most relevant and exciting issues will be announced during the conference