TUIT professor-teacher received training at Bankers Institute of Rural Development of India

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  • TUIT professor-teacher received training at Bankers Institute of Rural Development of India

On August 5-9 this year, the dean of the Faculty of CyberSecurity, Sherzod Ghulomov, advanced his skills at the Institute of Rural Development of Bankers of India on the course "Development of management skills in organizations and institutions". The main purpose of participating in this course is to determine the need and importance of developing managerial skills in organizations and institutions, to determine the elements of team work, as well as to learn the stages of mastering conflict resolution skills and increasing emotional intelligence in organizations and institutions.

During the course, opportunities for practical application of important aspects such as a more in-depth study of management skills, increasing efficiency in teamwork, and the use of constructive approaches to conflict resolution in organizations and institutions were discussed.

In addition, new approaches and models aimed at improving the overall work efficiency of the team by developing emotional intelligence were also analyzed.