✅In the resolution "On Science, Technology and Innovation for Development", adopted by the UN General Assembly, February 11 was declared the International Day of Women's Participation in Science.

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  • ✅In the resolution "On Science, Technology and Innovation for Development", adopted by the UN General Assembly, February 11 was declared the International Day of Women's Participation in Science.

📣 In connection with this day, an international forum on the topic “The role of women in the development of the IT sector” was held at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi. During the forum, issues of increasing the scientific and technical potential of women engineers and programmers, their widespread involvement in production and information and communication technologies were also discussed. Also, women scientists working at the university presented their scientific works and startup projects.

👥During the forum, an exhibition was organized dedicated to various developments and discoveries of women scientists working at the university.