TUIT –“Developing services for Individuals with Disabilities” DECIDE project participant Erasmus+ program
Developing services for Individuals with Disabilities (DECIDE). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.
Coordinator: Sherzod Gulomov, Associate Professor
Mob: +998 909708464
Email: sherhisor30@gmail.com
The main goal of the DECIDE project
DECIDE is aimed to promote the rights of individuals with special needs to access education, enjoy the right of participation in everyday society and to combat discrimination by instilling awareness and acceptance in society as in line with Bologna Process and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The DECIDE project on developing services for Individuals with Disabilities has been launched at 14 universities and organizations in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as at 4 European universities - in Romania, England, Germany and Greece.
The initiator of the project and project coordinator is Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania. The university has a well-organized unit with professional infrastructure for project management, financial and general administration.
From Uzbekistan are being represented on the project: Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Samarkand institute of economics and service, Karakalpak state university named after Berdakh, as well «Mushtoq ko’zlar» Society of Social Mutual Aid of Disabled Children of Tashkent city.
Project objectives:
The project will promote and develop access to inclusive education, to social integration and to non-discrimination treatment of those with special needs in education in accordance with Bologna Process and UN criteria. This will initiate the right of individuals with special needs to access education, to enjoy the right of participation in everyday society and to combat discrimination against them in society by instilling awareness and acceptance in society.
Principal outcomes incorporate English for Specific Purposes (Special Needs and Disability) training for all target groups, DECIDE ECTS training, a complete DECIDE Curriculum for all institutions, a piloting of 8 DECIDE Introductory and Advanced Modules through Piloting during 2 semesters.
The Quality Plan aspects focus on monitoring and evaluation of the 8 module Curricula, and of both the dissemination/sustainability friendly "Action Group" and the "Access Liaison Officer" (helping students with special needs issues in each tertiary organization) Strategic Review and the Integration Process of National Students Union Participation.
This is all overseen by a total quality management via project structures and meetings and daily project management.
Introductory and Advanced Curriculum Development
Quality Assurance DECIDE project develops introductory and advanced training curriculum for the:
- Partner Countries’ Teachers, Trainers of Teachers, Educators and Lecturers;
- Government Civil Service employees and policy makers;
- Non-Governmental Organization educators (NGO Educators).
This project seeks to introduce a practical and theoretical based approach using learner-centered strategies in creating a focused 8 module programme that is fully compliant with ECTS tuning tools. The four introductory modules are as follows.
Module 1
English for Specific Purposes (Special Needs and Disability) - This is targeted at all partners and will be later integrated into official university and public administration and where feasible NGO programmes.
Module 2
Marketing - Introduction to Theory and Practice - Creating National Awareness Campaign Strategies and Supporting NGO Development.
Module 3
Use the Library! - This is targeted at all partners and especially librarians given the potential as underlined by Repanovici Angela- UTBV assessment on integrating disabled persons very effectively into society.
Module 4
Access Liaison Officer Trainee Programme Module - Targeted at all partners with inputs from all partners and the basis for the future Action Group. This training module will ensure that each educational organization will have a specialized person in social integration and anti-discrimination measures on advising and assisting students or potential students with special needs in accessing education.
The four Advanced Modules are as follows:
Module 5
Meeting Needs - Cognition and Learning (including moderate and severe learning difficulties and Dyslexia).
Module 6
Meeting Needs - Communication and Interaction (which would include a focus on Autism as identified by the SWOT analysis).
Module 7
Meeting Needs - Physical and Sensory Needs.
Module 8
Meeting Needs - Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties.
February 11-12, 2019 the kick-off meeting of the ERASMUS + CBHE Project
"Developing Services for Individuals with Disabilities [DECIDE]" was
held in the library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with participation
of partners from countries of the European Union and Central Asia.

The main goal of the project - to promote the rights of individuals with special needs to access education, enjoy the right of participation in everyday society and to combat discrimination by instilling awareness and acceptance in society as in line with Bologna Process and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The meeting was opened by the First Vice-Rector of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Professor Burkitbayev.
Therefore, the coordinator of the DECIDE project, Angela Repanovisi delivered, is a professor at the University of Transylvania in Brasov, Romania. She delivered a welcoming speech to the participants of the kick-off meeting of the project and wished a successful implementation of such important project for higher education and development of society as a whole. Overall, in the meeting was discussed the main objectives of the project, financial and management issues, the distribution of tasks, as well as long-term and short-term goals and expected results.
meeting was attended by partners of ERASMUS + CBHE Project Development of
Services for Persons with Disabilities [DECIDE] from University of Transylvania
(Romania), University of Middlesex (United Kingdom), Limerick Institute of
Technology (Ireland), Technical University of Dresden (Germany), University of
Crete (Greece), Central Asian project partners. The kick-off meeting was held
in a businesslike and friendly atmosphere.
On March 25-29, 2019 «English for Specific Purposes Training» in the framework of ERASMUS + Decide project “Developing Services for Individuals with Disabilities” was held at Dresden Technical University, Dresden, Germany.

The training was attended by partners DECIDE project from University of Transylvania (Romania), University of Middlesex (United Kingdom), Limerick Institute of Technology (Ireland), Dresden University of Technology (Germany), University of Crete (Greece), Central Asian project partners. The meeting was held in a businesslike and friendly atmosphere.
In the training was trained and discussed the following proportion issues that related with developing services for individuals with disabilities by the European project partners:
1. General English language training to support participants requiring more support at basic level.
2. Introduction to Major Milestones in International Disability Policy: the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
3. Teaching students with autism and diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.
4. Social, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties (Terminologies and Standards) - A theoretical, and Practical Perspectives.
5. Library Services to People with Special Needs IFLA Glossary of Terms and Definitions.
6. Use the Library: Terminology for Information Literacy and Research Skills.
7. Teaching Students with Visual Impairments, Assistive technology.
8. Use the Library: Terminology in Web Search Strategies & Tactics/Critically Evaluating Information resources/ Referencing Citation & Avoiding Plagiarism.

All partners agreed to the following dates and places, after they were given a ten minutes session to decide:
- Modules training, to take place in Limerick (Ireland), from July 22nd to August 2nd, 2019.
- PMC meeting to take place in London (England), from November 13th to November 15th, 2019.