Legal adviser:
Lola Muratova Xalikulovna
Legal adviser - a position created or entered on a mandatory basis in order to legally ensure the activities of the university in accordance with the standards and criteria established by law.
The legal adviser reports directly to the rector of the university. in its activities is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, this Regulation and other legislative acts
The main activities of the legal adviser are:
- organization of the rights of law and the rule of law in law enforcement activities of the university;
- monitoring compliance with the legislation of draft legal and other documents developed (adopted) by the university;
- participation in the law-making activities of the university, coordination of the work of its departments in the preparation of proposals for the improvement of legislation;
- participation in improving the legal culture and legal literacy of university workers, bringing them the essence and significance of the adopted legal acts, including the use of modern information and communication technologies;
- conducting contractual and claim-related work, ensuring reliable protection of property and other interests of the university.
To implement the main activities of the legal adviser of the University performs the following functions:
1. In the organization of the provision of the rights of law and the rule of law in the law enforcement activities of the university:
a) makes proposals for the elimination of offenses at the university, as well as relevant departments, the causes and conditions that contribute to them, is involved in the implementation of such measures;
b) examines draft orders, directives, contracts and other legal documents submitted by the university administration for their compliance with the law and, in the absence of comments and suggestions, endorses them. At the same time, the legal adviser endorses projects after other structural units (employees) of the university;
c) provides an opinion on university decisions affecting the realization of the rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities;
d) independently or jointly with other divisions prepares proposals for the development, introduction of amendments and additions, as well as recognizing invalid orders, contracts and other documents of the legal nature of the university;
e) studies, analyzes and summarizes the law-enforcement practice of the university, as well as the relevant departments, prepares and submits to the management proposals for its improvement;
f) together with other departments of the University participates in the consideration of applications, proposals and complaints, which indicate violations of the law in the activities of the university, relevant departments and their officials;
g) participates in the development of proposals for improving the management system at the university, defining the rights and obligations of the departments within the university system, as well as their officials
h) participates in ensuring compliance with labor legislation at the university, including the development of documents regulating labor relations (labor contract, collective agreement, collective agreement, etc.), checks the drafts of these documents for compliance with the law and gives a legal opinion on him;
i) submits to the rector a report on the state of ensuring the supremacy of law and legality in the activities of the university;
j) provides legal assistance to trade unions and other representative bodies of university employees in the exercise of their powers;
2. in the area of monitoring compliance with the legislation of draft regulations and other documents developed (adopted) by the university, as well as participation in the law-making activities of the university, coordinating the work of its departments in the preparation of proposals for improving legislation:
a) develops or participates in the development of current and future programs of university law-making activities, implementation and monitoring of their implementation;
b) develops or participates in the development of draft regulations on issues that are within the competence of the university;
c) develops or participates in the development of departmental legal acts and sending them to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for legal expertise and state registration;
d) independently or jointly with other departments, conducts legal expertise of draft regulatory acts submitted for examination or approval, prepares legal opinions on their compliance with the law, the rules of legislative technique, the validity and expediency of applying reference standards, and the absence of corruption factors in them ;
e) in the absence of comments and proposals, endorses draft legal acts. At the same time, the legal adviser endorses projects after other structural units (employees) of the university;
f) on a systematic basis, conducts an analysis of existing regulatory legal acts in the relevant field of university activity in order to identify corruption-related factors in their content;
g) participates in the development of proposals for the improvement of public administration relating to the field of university activity;
h) maintains in accordance with the established requirements a systematic record of incoming and adopted legal documents by the university, including regulatory legal acts, ensures their storage and maintains them in a controlled state;
i) takes measures to replenish the fund of the university’s normative legal acts, including the acquisition of codes, laws, comments, statements and other legal publications, makes proposals to the management of the state body and organization to subscribe to legal publications;
3. in the area of participation in improving the legal culture and legal literacy of university employees, bringing to them the essence and significance of the adopted legal acts, including the use of modern information and communication technologies:
a) prepares analytical materials for the rector on legislative issues;
b) contribute proposals on the organization of events to improve the legal knowledge of university employees, as well as the units within its system, participate in these events;
c) carries out work on the legal promotion of legislation relating to the activities of the university;
d) immediately brings information about the adopted legal acts to the press service of the university, explaining their essence and meaning for subsequent posting on the university's website;
e) assists university employees in their appeals in the search for normative legal acts and legal documents relating to the activities of the university, if necessary, clarifies their standards;
f) communicates to the units within the university system, information on changes in legislation, judicial practice, instructions of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning legal work;
4. in the field of conducting contractual and claim-related work, ensuring reliable protection of property and other interests of the university:
a) in case of disputes with state bodies and organizations, as well as with citizens, independently or jointly with other departments, take measures to resolve them in the pretrial order;
b) together with other departments, participates in the work on the preparation and conclusion of contracts by the state body and organization, checks their compliance with the law and endorses draft contracts, in the absence of comments and suggestions. At the same time, the legal adviser endorses projects after other structural units (employees) of the university;
c) monitors compliance with the established procedure for the conclusion, execution, amendment and termination of contracts;
d) makes proposals for the proper implementation of the treaties concluded by the university, participates in the development of proposals for the improvement of contractual relations;
e) participates in the preparation of claims for the protection of the interests of the university, the consideration of claims filed with a government body and organization, monitors compliance with the university procedure for filing and reviewing claims;
f) together with the relevant departments, examines the status of accounts receivable and payable, applies measures to reduce their size;
g) conducts claim work on disputes arising from contractual relations;
h) participates in the preparation of documents necessary for the legal protection of property and other interests of the university and in the prescribed manner in court sessions;
i) checks draft legal documents on the security of property for their compliance with the law and participates in their preparation;
j) together with other structural subdivisions, analyzes the causes and conditions of theft of property, the occurrence of shortages and non-production expenses at the university and takes measures to eliminate them, draws up materials on the facts of theft of property and shortages to law enforcement agencies
k) gives legal opinions on draft documents on the write-off of material values and monetary funds, as well as on acts of inventory and audit checks, which have revealed offenses and abuses.
The legal adviser has the right to:
receive as a matter of priority for acquaintance, use in work and systematized accounting of normative legal acts entering the university;
receive from the officials, as well as the divisions within its system, the documents and information necessary to perform the tasks and functions assigned to the legal service;
participate in meetings, councils and meetings related to legal issues convened by management;
engage, on behalf of the management or with the consent of the head of the relevant department, their employees to prepare draft regulations and other documents for other activities related to the implementation of legal work;
return drafts of normative legal acts and other documents that contradict the law, do not meet the requirements of legislative machinery, give legal opinions on the elimination of deficiencies with justification of their objections, participate on behalf of the management or on their own initiative in working out projects;
to study in the divisions of the university, the state of compliance with laws on issues within the competence of the university;
to make to the management proposals on bringing to responsibility the managers and employees of the university, as well as the departments within its system that do not enforce or violate acts of legislation;
to participate in inspections, audits and inventories held at the university, as well as in its divisions or in the manner prescribed by law by the university, as well as in the review of documents on their results and to give legal opinions on the violations found;
receive bonuses in the amount of 5 percent of the amount recovered in favor of the state body and organization in the claim-claim procedure, but not more than 50 minimum monthly wages.