Department manager:
Nuraliyev Fakhriddin Murodillayevich
In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-1088, dated April 1, 2009, "On Measures to Further Improve the Efficiency of Using High-Tech Television and Radio Equipment in the System of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan," the Faculty of Television Technologies was established at Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT). Starting from 2011, within the Faculty of Television Technologies, two specialized departments were established during the 2011–2012 academic year: • Computer Graphics and Design • Television, Radio Broadcasting Studios, and Equipment In 2012, the Television, Radio Broadcasting Studios, and Equipment department was renamed Television Studio Systems and Applications. Following the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. VMQ-188, dated June 28, 2013, "On the Improvement of the Structure of Tashkent University of Information Technologies," structural changes were introduced to the university. As a result, from the 2013–2014 academic year, the Computer Graphics and Design department was renamed Audiovisual Technologies. Based on the order of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, dated September 15, 2023, "On the Dissolution and Establishment of New Departments," the Television Studio Systems and Applications and Audiovisual Technologies departments were merged to form a new department: Television and Media Technologies. Department History In accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-1088, dated April 1, 2009, "On Measures to Further Improve the Efficiency of Using High-Tech Television and Radio Equipment in the System of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan," the Faculty of Television Technologies was established at Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT).
Based on the order of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, starting from the 2011–2012 academic year, two specialized departments were founded within the Faculty of Television Technologies:Computer Graphics and Design Television, Radio Broadcasting Studios, and Equipment Department History In 2011, the Department of Computer Graphics and Design was established, with Doctor of Technical Sciences, F.M. Nuraliyev appointed as the department head. Within this department, highly qualified bachelor’s and master’s students were trained in the following fields: • Computer Graphics and Design • Audio-Video Technologies • Sound Recording Technologies During the 2012–2014 academic years, the department also offered a master’s degree program in Computer Graphics and Design to train specialists at an advanced level. Significant contributions to the development of educational standards, curriculum design, and the creation of methodological resources for the department were made by:Dr. Sh.A. Nazirov (Doctor of Technical Sciences), Dr. F.M. Nuraliyev (Doctor of Technical Sciences), Dr. T.X. Rakhimov (Candidate of Chemical Sciences). Following the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. VMQ-188, dated June 28, 2013, "On the Improvement of the Structure of Tashkent University of Information Technologies," structural changes were introduced at the university. As a result, starting from the 2013–2014 academic year, the Department of Computer Graphics and Design was renamed Audiovisual Technologies, and the Department of Television, Radio Broadcasting Studios, and Equipment was renamed Television Studio Systems and Applications.

In accordance with the Resolution No. PQ-1088 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 1, 2009, "On Measures to Further Improve the Efficiency of Using High-Tech Television and Radio Equipment in the System of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan," the Faculty of "Television Technologies" was established at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies. Based on the order of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies, starting from the 2011-2012 academic year, the Faculty of "Television Technologies" established the departments of "Computer Graphics and Design" and "Television, Radio Broadcasting Studios, and Equipment." In 2011, the "Computer Graphics and Design" department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences F.M. Nuraliyev. This department trained bachelors in the following fields: "Computer Graphics and Design," "Audio-Video Technologies," and "Sound Recording Technologies." During the 2012-2014 academic years, highly qualified master's degree holders were trained in the "Computer Graphics and Design" specialization. Significant contributions to the development of educational standards, curriculum planning, and methodological support of the department’s academic activities were made by Doctor of Technical Sciences Sh.A. Nazirov, Doctor of Technical Sciences F.M. Nuraliyev, and Candidate of Chemical Sciences T.X. Rakhimov. According to the Resolution No. VMQ-188 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 28, 2013, "On the Improvement of the Structure of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies," structural changes were introduced to the university. As a result, from the 2013-2014 academic year, the "Computer Graphics and Design" department was renamed "Audiovisual Technologies," and the "Television, Radio Broadcasting Studios, and Equipment" department was renamed "Television Studio Systems and Applications."

Since 2012, the "Television Studio Systems and Applications" department was headed by Professor Batir Joldasovich Bazarbayev, a member of the Union of Cinematographers, Journalists of Uzbekistan, and the Russian Union of Cinematographers. This department trained bachelors in "Cinematography" and "Special Lighting Technologies" for enterprises of the National Television and Radio Company (MTRK).

From the 2013-2014 academic year, the "Audiovisual Technologies" department was headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor A.Sh. Mukhadiyev. In 2013, based on the experience of leading higher education institutions from developed countries, the curriculum, educational standards, and qualification requirements for the "Television Technologies" ("Audiovisual Technologies") undergraduate program were developed. From that year onward, the department began training specialists in the "Television Technologies" ("Audiovisual Technologies") undergraduate field. Starting from the 2017-2018 academic year, the department launched master's programs in "Audio Technologies" and "Video Technologies" to train highly qualified specialists. The curricula for these master's programs were developed based on the best practices of leading universities from Korea, Japan, and the United Kingdom, as well as recommendations from industry enterprises. To improve the quality of specialized subjects, the department involved highly qualified faculty members such as Doctor of Technical Sciences F.M. Nuraliyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences Sh.A. Anarova, Doctor of Technical Sciences S.S. Beknazarova, and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.Sh. Mukhadiyev, alongside leading researchers from the "Scientific Innovation Center for Information and Communication Technologies," including Doctor of Technical Sciences N. Ravshanov and Doctor of Technical Sciences Mirzayev.

During the 2022-2023 academic year, the AVT department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Saida Safibullayevna Beknazarova. According to the order of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, dated September 15, 2023, "On the Termination of Activities of Certain Departments and the Establishment of New Departments," starting from the 2023-2024 academic year, the "Audiovisual Technologies" and "Television Studio Systems and Applications" departments were merged to form the new "Television and Media Technologies" department. This department is currently headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor F.M. Nuraliyev.
Bachelor’s Degree Program:
- 60611100-Television Technologies.
Master’s Degree Programs:
- 70610701 – Television Technologies
- 70611101 – Animated Film Technologies
- 70210402 – Computer Graphics and Design
- 70611006 – Audio-Video Technologies
- 70611007 – Special Lighting Technologies
Department’s Academic Programs
Undergraduate (Bachelor's) Program:
- 60611100 – Television Technologies (formerly known as Audiovisual Technologies and Television Studio Systems & Applications)
Graduate (Master's) Programs:
- 70610701 – Television Technologies
- 70611101 – Animated Film Technologies
- 70210402 – Computer Graphics and Design
- 70611006 – Audio-Video Technologies
- 70611007 – Special Lighting Technologies
Courses Offered
Bachelor’s Degree Courses:
- Computer Graphics
- Introduction to Computer Vision
- Mass Media and TV Journalism
- Basics of Filming and Editing
- Documentary Film Production Technologies
- Audio-Video Editing
- Photography
- Creative Design and Web Art
- Fundamentals of Virtual Reality
- UI/UX Design
- Engineering Graphics
- Cinematography and Directing Basics
- Special Effects
- Documentary Film Production Technologies
- Photometry and Color Science
- Media Product Creation Technologies
- Digital Lighting and Visualization
- Audio and Video Processing
- Lighting Technologies
- Photography
- Digital Media and TV Technologies
- Creative Camera Seminar
- Film, Television, and Digital Product Development
- Television Production
- Audio Support Technologies for Visual Content
- AI in Audio and Video Data Processing, Audio Post-Production
- Digital Animation Technologies
- Animation Production Technologies
- Computer Animation
- Digital Camera Seminar
- Film, Television, and Digital Product Development
- Media Literacy and Information Culture
Master’s Degree Courses:
- Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics
- Mathematical Foundations of Video Transmission
- Practical Animation Software Packages
- Media, Film, and Television Products
- Character Animation Technologies
- Image Processing and Modeling
- Film, Television, and Digital Product Development
Department Faculty Members
Full-Time Faculty:
- Faxriddin Murodillayevich Nuraliyev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
- Abdivali Shukurovich Mukhamadiyev – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
- Saida Safibullayevna Beknazarova – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
- Batir Joldasovich Bazarbayev – Associate Professor
- Nomoz Mirzayev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
- Dildora Baxtiyorovna Umarova – PhD, Acting Associate Professor
- Natalya Yuryevna Yusupova – PhD, Acting Associate Professor
- Gulshan Asrorovna Qayumova – PhD, Acting Associate Professor
- Komolitdin Saidaxmadovich Ismailov – PhD, Acting Associate Professor
- Saida Aldiyarovna Tastanova – PhD, Acting Associate Professor
- Marat Maxmudovich Saliyev – Senior Lecturer
- Jahongir Sobir o‘g‘li Modullayev – Senior Lecturer
- Dilnoza Irkinovna Dadaboyeva – Senior Lecturer
- Dilnoza Baxtiyarovna Baymuhamedova – Assistant
- Samandar Ravshanbekovich Zaitov – Assistant
Part-Time Faculty:
- Botir Zokirovich Turayev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
- Ilhomdjon Sharifovich Nabiyev – Senior Lecturer
- Mexriban Karamatdin kizi Jaumitbaeva – Senior Lecturer
- Bobur Elmurodovich Boymurodov – Senior Lecturer
- Akbarjon Ibroxim o‘g‘li Usmonov – Senior Lecturer
- Sardor Nasriddin o‘g‘li Ibodullayev – Assistant
- Baxbergen Tolibaevich Nurimbetov – Assistant
- Feruza Sodiq qizi Ortiqova – Assistant
- Yunus Yusuf o‘g‘li Abdullayev – Assistant
- Yerpolat Bahavedinovich Allanyazov – Trainee Lecturer
- Aziza Saidazim qizi Karimbayeva – Trainee Lecturer
- Munojat Toirovna Sultonova – Trainee Lecturer
Scientific and Practical Partners of the Department
- National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan
- "Uzbekkino" National Agency
- "Uzbekfilm" Film Studio
- Scientific-Popular and Documentary Film Studio of Uzbekistan
- "Uzbektelefilm" State Unitary Enterprise
- JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
- KUMA (Korea University of Media Arts), South Korea
- Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
- Scientific Research Institute for the Development of Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
- Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan named after Qori Niyoziy
- Tashkent Radio and Television Vocational College
List of Completed and Ongoing State and International Grants (Fundamental, Applied, and Innovative Projects):
- M. Nuraliyev – Project No. A-5-026
"Development of Models, Algorithms, and a Software Complex for the MediaEdu.UZ Media Education System" (2015–2017) - A. Anarova – Project No. BA-A5-014
"Development of an Automated Technology for the Analytical Representation of Complex Fractal Structures Based on R-Function and Arithmetic Property Theory" (2017–2018) - S. Beknazarova – Project No. BV-Atex-2018-267
"Development and Implementation of a National Integrated Electronic Platform for International Payment Systems" (2018–2020) - A. Anarova – Project No. FZ-2019081212
"Development of Geometric Modeling Technologies for Representing Complex Fractal Structures in Uzbek National Patterns" (2020–2021) - M. Nuraliyev – Project No. IL-4721071198
"Development of a National Virtual University System Based on 3D Technologies for Information Technologies" (2022–2023) - Titles of Research Works
Doctoral Dissertations for the Degree of Doctor of Sciences:
- Saida Safibullayevna Beknazarova
Topic: "Modeling Methods for Discrete-Continuous Processing of Information Resources in TIAV-Multimedia Systems"
Specialty:13.04 – Mathematical and Software Support of Computers, Complexes, and Computer Networks
Scientific Advisor: Associate Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Prof. K.P. Abdurakhmanov - Faxriddin Murodillayevich Nuraliyev
Topic: "Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Thin Superconducting Bodies Using the R-Function Method"
Specialty:01.07 – Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Software Packages
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Prof. Sh.A. Nazirov - Botir Zokirovich Turayev
Topic: "Innovative Methodological System for Forming Professional Competencies of Future Specialists in Informatics and Information Technologies"
Specialty:00.07 – Methods of Teaching Exact and Natural Sciences
Scientific Advisor: Candidate of Sciences, Prof. A.A. Abduqodirov - Shahzoda Amanbaevna Anarova
Topic: "Linear and Geometrically Nonlinear Mathematical Models and Solution Algorithms for Spatial Load Problems of Complexly Configured Rods"
Specialty:01.07 – Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Software Packages
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. T. Yuldashev - Dildora Baxtiyorovna Umarova
Topic: "Major Trends in Uzbek Painting During the Period of Independence"
Specialty:00.04 – Fine and Applied Decorative Arts
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Arts, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, N.R. Ahmedova - Xusniddin Abdijalilovich Mamadaliyev
Topic: "Modeling and Algorithm Development for Analyzing Gas Transportation Regimes in Trunk Pipelines Under Mass Flow Imbalance Conditions"
Specialty:01.07 – Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Software Packages
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. I.Q. Khojaev - Abdivali Shukurovich Mukhamadiyev
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Degree (Nostrification)
Awarded by the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the decision of the Academic Council of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), Specialty:01.07 – Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods, and Software Packages - Oybek Mirzayevich Narzulloyev
Topic: "Geometric Modeling of Objects with Fractal Structures"
Specialty:01.01 – Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics, Audio and Video Technologies
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. F.M. Nuraliyev - Gulshan Asrorovna Kayumova
Topic: "Development of Information Models and Assessment Methods for Teaching 'Computer Graphics' Based on Fractal Pedagogy Principles"
Specialty:01.01 – Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics, Audio and Video Technologies
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. S.S. Beknazarova - Ulug‘bek Eshpulatovich Giyosov
Topic: "Development of 3D Models and Software Tools for the Creation of a Virtual University"
Specialty:01.04 – Mathematical and Software Support of Computing Machines, Complexes, and Computer Networks
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. F.M. Nuraliyev - Kamolitdin Saidaxmadovich Ismailov
Topic: "The Film-Portrait Genre in Contemporary Uzbek Documentary Cinema"
Specialty:00.03 – Cinematic Arts and Television
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Arts, Prof. J.T. Teshabayev - Saida Aldiyarovna Tastanova
Topic: "Algorithms for Synthesizing Fractal Images"
Specialty:01.02 – Systems Analysis, Control, and Information Processing
Scientific Advisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. F.M. Nuraliyev
Scientific and Methodological Works of the Department Textbooks and Study Guides:
- A. Kayumova, S.S. Beknazarova, M.K. Jaumitbayeva, A.I. Usmonov – "Digital Media and Television Technologies" (Part I) – Study Guide
- A. Kayumova, S.S. Beknazarova, B.E. Boymurodov, F.F. Saidov – "Digital Media and Television Technologies" (Part II) – Study Guide
- Sh. Mukhamadiyev – "Video Processing" – Study Guide
- S. Beknazarova, M.K. Jaumitbayeva – "Animation Technologies: Color Technology" – Study Guide (Russian)
- M. Nuraliyev – "Computer Graphics" – Textbook
- S. Beknazarova – "Applied Packages for Animation Production" – Study Guide (Russian)
- V. Abdurakhimova, B.E. Boymurodov – "Audio and Video Editing" – Study Guide (Russian)
- S. Beknazarova – "Video Processing" – Study Guide (Russian)
- Sh. Mukhamadiyev, J.S. Modullayev, S.N. Ibodullayev – "Computer Graphics Packages" – Study Guide
- S. Beknazarova, O.M. Narzulloyev – "Character Animation Technologies" – Study Guide
- S. Beknazarova, A.Sh. Mukhamadiyev – "Modern Technologies for Producing 2D and 3D Animated Films" – Textbook (Russian)
- S. Beknazarova, O.S. Abdullayeva, S.Kh. Abdullayev, O.M. Narzulloyev – "Animation Character Creation Technologies" – Textbook (Russian)
- A. Nazirov, F.M. Nuraliyev, B.Z. To‘rayev – "Computer Graphics and Design" – Study Guide
- Sh. Mukhamadiyev, B.Z. To‘rayev – "3D Modeling and Digital Animation" – Study Guide
- Sh. Mukhamadiyev, J.S. Modullayev, S.N. Ibodullayev – "Computer Graphics Packages" – Study Guide
- Methodological Guides:
- S. Beknazarova, G.A. Kayumova – "Mass Media Communication" – Practical Training Guide
- M. Nuraliyev, I.Sh. Nabiyev – "Computer Graphics" – Practical and Laboratory Training Guide for Distance Learning Students
- M. Narzulloyev – "Audio-Video Editing" – Study Guide
- Sh. Mukhamadiyev – "Computer Graphics" – Lecture Notes for Distance Learning Students
- Sh. Mukhamadiyev – "3D Modeling and Digital Animation" – Lecture Notes
- Sh. Mukhamadiyev, G.A. Kayumova, M.M. Rasulbayev – "Practical Software Tools for Computer Graphics and Design" – Methodological Guide
- S. Beknazarova – "Mass Media Communication" – Methodological Guide
- S. Beknazarova – "Media Education Technologies in Universities" – Methodological Guide
- M. Nuraliyev, G.A. Kayumova – "Computer Graphics and Design" – Laboratory Training Guide (Part I)
- M. Nuraliyev, I.Sh. Nabiyev – "Computer Graphics and Design" – Laboratory Training Guide (Part II)
- M. Nuraliyev, B. Aytmuradov – "Computer Graphics and Design" – Laboratory Training Guide (Part III)
- V. Abdurakhimova – "Audio Post-Production" – Methodological Guide
Department Location:
Building: B-block, Floor: 3
Rooms: 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313