Department head:
Arifdjanov Makhmud Marifjanovich
- General rules
1.1. This "Regulation" was developed on the basis of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 563 dated September 9, 2021 "On measures to increase the level of accommodation for students in higher educational institutions of the Republic".
The Department of "Coordination of Student Housing" within the Department of "Working with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment" of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi (hereinafter referred to as the University) is a structural structure of the university.
1.2. In order to provide the university with a temporary place of residence for students studying from distant cities and regions, a department "Coordination of providing accommodation for students" will be established.
1.3 The Department of Coordination of Student Housing Affairs of the University decrees and decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions and orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, orders and decisions of the Ministry of Information Technologies, Board minutes, decisions, orders, orders of the University Council and these Works according to the regulations.
1.4. The department for coordination of student housing works in cooperation with faculty deans and tutors.
1.5. The Department of Coordination of Student Accommodation is formed by the University management on the basis of this Regulation and has its own activity direction, work plan and program, special seal, state unit, and manages the administrative, spiritual and moral education of student accommodation.
1.6. The Student Housing Coordination Department creates conditions for students to live, work independently, have fun, and participate in sports, arts, and other clubs.
1.7. To get a student accommodation, he writes an application to the Rector of the University or the First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment and attaches a copy of his passport. After this application is considered in the established order, the placement of the student in the residence is carried out by the department "Coordination of the work of providing accommodation to students" based on the warrant issued with the permission of the Rector of the University or the First Vice-Rector for Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment.
1.8. Students living in student residences are temporarily registered based on the rules established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Registration works are carried out by the head of the "Coordination of Student Accommodation" department and passport officer.
1.9. General management of educational, cultural, sports and health activities and organization of household services for residents of the student accommodation is carried out by the Rector of the University.
1.10. Placement of University employees, strangers, and students' family members in student residences is strictly prohibited, and this is controlled by the "Student Housing Coordination" department.
1.11. The amount of payment for living in student residences is determined at the beginning of each academic year by the order of the Rector based on the decision of the University Council.
- Structure, rights and obligations of the department for coordination of student accommodation.
2.1. The structure of the department for coordinating the provision of accommodation for students consists of the head of the department and two chief specialists.
Duties of the head of the student housing coordination department include:
- To carry out one's work duties honestly and conscientiously, to observe labor and performance discipline, rules of etiquette;
- not to allow corruption and other violations, not to abuse one's official duties;
- monitor the performance of all employees in student residences, including building managers, make recommendations for their hiring and dismissal;
- organizing the work of the department for coordinating the work of providing accommodation to students, distributing tasks among employees, ensuring effective and timely performance of assigned tasks;
- control of compliance with labor and production discipline by the staff of the department of coordination of student accommodation;
- signing in the registration of students in the dormitory, issuing certificates and contracts;
- participation and control in the process of issuing TTJ certificate, payment contract and other information to students;
- students monitor the timely payment of TTJ fees based on the contract.
- giving advice to students, answering their questions, helping them solve their problems;
- participate in solving housing issues for students and provide information to the first vice-rector;
- development of a program and plan for the organization of activities of student accommodation;
- reporting to the University Council every six months on the activities carried out in the current year;
- selects employees and workers for positions in the student housing coordination department based on state units, submits its recommendations for hiring and dismissal to the management for formalization;
- determines the places, the gender of the student, the distribution by faculties, prepares a bank of general information about them, information, statistical tables, constantly informs the head of the University with this information;
- the passport system ensures strict compliance with the rules for entering and exiting the student residence;
- organizes and supervises the activities of pedagogues-educators;
- participates in weekly meetings and events, works in cooperation with law-enforcement bodies, organizations, institutions on issues related to student accommodation;
- organizes the activities of the group of supervisors and ensures cooperation with the "Neighborhood Watchmen" and "Young Watchmen";
- students fill their free time with useful work.
Must know:
Laws on higher education, presidential decrees, orders, decisions, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions and orders of the Board of the Ministry, TATU charter, internal labor regulations, rules of etiquette, TATU rector's decisions, orders, other normative documents related to the activity of student accommodation to know the essence.
Qualification requirements:
- Possessing exemplary personal qualities, cultured, creative abilities, courtesy and initiative skills, a sense of responsibility, independent decision-making and acting, decisive action, characteristics of ensuring the achievement of the strategic goals of the institution;
- Persons with higher education, basic knowledge of one of the foreign languages, ability to use modern information technologies, two years of teaching experience and experience are appointed.
- it is necessary to be aware of information and data on issues related to his field
2.2. The head of the department for coordination of student housing provides general leadership in all directions of the organization of student housing activities.
2.3. The person appointed to the position of chief specialist of the department of coordination of student accommodation must be experienced.
Duties of the chief specialist of the student housing coordination department include:
- To carry out one's work duties honestly and conscientiously, to observe labor and performance discipline, rules of etiquette;
- not to allow corruption and other violations, not to abuse one's official duties;
- monitor the performance of all employees in student residences, including building managers, make recommendations for their hiring and dismissal;
- ensure effective and timely performance of tasks assigned to the department of coordination of student accommodation;
- control of compliance with labor and production discipline;
- giving advice to students, answering their questions, helping them solve their problems.
- sits in the reception room of the student housing coordination department and receives student applications and provides information to the head of the department;
- continuously studies students' living conditions in the dormitory;
- Prepares and registers TTJ certificate, payment contract paper and other documents;
- maintains student accounts based on approved TTJ rules;
- to provide students with an understanding of the internal rules of the dormitory, to answer their questions, and to help them solve their problems;
- places students in rooms;
- ensures compliance with sanitary standards;
- monitor student attendance.
Must know:
Laws on higher education, presidential decrees, orders, decisions, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions and orders of the Board of the Ministry, TATU charter, internal labor regulations, rules of etiquette, TATU rector's decisions, orders, other activities related to the activities of student accommodation to know the nature of regulatory documents.
Qualification requirements:
- Possessing exemplary personal qualities, cultured, creative abilities, courtesy and initiative skills, a sense of responsibility, independent decision-making and acting, decisive action, characteristics of ensuring the achievement of the strategic goals of the institution;
- Persons with higher education, basic knowledge of one of the foreign languages, ability to use modern information technologies, two years of teaching experience and experience are appointed.
- it is necessary to be aware of information and data on issues related to his field
III. Amendment, Addition, and Repeal of Bylaws
3.1. Amendments and additions to this Regulation, as well as its repeal, are carried out by order of the Rector of the University.
3.2. Based on the experience, problems, wishes and suggestions gathered in the course of work, additions and changes may be made to this Regulation of the Student Accommodation Coordination Department.
- Final Rules:
4.1. Disputes arising on the issues specified in this regulation shall be resolved on the basis of legal documents.
4.2. Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this regulation shall be held responsible in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation.
In the system of the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Information about available student accommodation at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi under the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi has 4 student residences with 2536 beds. The 1st student residence is located at 108 A. Temur street, Yunusabad district, 9 floors with 1067 beds, each floor has rooms for 3 and 4 people. The 2nd student residence, Yunusabad district, 4-storey building with 493 beds, located at 7 Bogishamol street, 3rd student residence, Yunusabad district, 4-storey building with 652 beds, located at 117, A. Temur street building, 4th student residence, Yunusabad district, A. Temur street, 119, designed for 324 places. Kitchens, dining rooms, laundry rooms and washrooms on the first floor of student residences are equipped according to modern requirements. A medical room has been established for the health of students. The latest issues of 12 types of newspapers and magazines are provided in the rooms of spirituality and enlightenment so that the students can be informed about the events and happenings in our country and the world. All student residences have a library.
- All rooms of the student residence are fully equipped, each
one room is equipped with tables and chairs, clothes racks, bookshelves, nightstands, carpets and beds for students to study.
On the 1st floor of the 1st student residence of the University, there are separate rooms for students with disabilities who need social protection, a kitchen (with refrigerator, washing machine, gas stove), washrooms, toilets, and separate corridors for disabled students. . Separate caregivers are assigned to the disabled.
In the spiritual rooms of all student residences belonging to the university, the seven directions of the development strategy and the relevant clauses of the Law on Youth Policy are installed on the floors.
On the first floor of each student residence building, there is a QR-code board containing books of Uzbek and world-class poets and writers, and QR-codes for entering the Republican libraries, TATU and branch libraries with a large base, In the rooms "Spirituality Room" and "5 Important Initiatives" there are propaganda materials reflecting the reforms implemented in the field of education.
The student residence has cultural recreation rooms for students, an information resource center, a sports section, rooms for science and art amateur clubs, a library, utility rooms and necessary sports equipment.

Universitet 1-talabalar turar joyining 1-qavatida ijtimoiy ximoyaga muhtoj nogironligi bo‘lgan talabalar uchun alohida xonalar,oshxona (muzlatgich,kir moshina, gaz plita jixozlari bilan) yuvinish xonalari, xojatxonalar tashkil qilingan, nogiron talabalar kirib chiqishi uchun alohida yo‘laklar mavjud. Nogironlarga alohida qarovchilar biriktirilgan.
Universitetga tegishli barcha talabalar turar joylarining ma’naviyat xonalariga taraqqiyot strategiyasining yetti yo‘nalishi hamda qavatlarda Yoshlar siyosati to‘g‘risidagi qonunning tegishli bandlari aks etgan targ‘ibot vositalari o‘rnatilgan.

Har bir talabalar turar joyi binosining birinchi qavatida O‘zbek va jahon miqyosidagi shoir va yozuvchilarining kitoblarini o‘z ichiga olgan QR-kodli doska va katta bazaga ega bo‘lgan Respublika kutubxonalari, TATU va filial kutubxonasiga kirish uchun QR-kodlar o‘rnatilgan, “Ma’naviyat xonasi” hamda “5 muhim tashabbus” xonalarida ta’lim tarbiya sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar aks etgan targ‘ibot materillari mavjud.

Talabalar turar joyida talabalar uchun madaniy dam olish xonalari, axborot resurs markazi, sport seksiyasi, fan va badiiy havaskorlik to‘garaklari xonalari, kutubxona, maishiy hizmat xonalari va zarur sport jihozlari mavjud.