Head of department:
(PhD) Ibrohimov Bahrom Sobirjonovich
Information about correspondence education department
The correspondence education department of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi was established on the basis of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On education" and the "National program of training of cadres" from 2018-2019, in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 27, 2017 N PP-3153 "On Measures of improving the System of Preparation of Engineers and Technical Staff for Industrial Production in Tashkent Region", "Regulation on organization of correspondence (special correspondence) education in higher education institution" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 21, 2017 №930.
Since 2018-2019 according to the Regulation on the organization of correspondence (special correspondence) education in the higher education institution, correspondence education at Tashkent university of Information technologies is based on the acceptance quotas approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, at special correspondence form, the second and the subsequent higher education.
In addition, starting from the 2019-2020 academic year, in accordance with the Statement of the State Commission on Admission to Educational Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 4, 2019 "Citizens with at least five years of work experience in economic sectors In accordance with the procedure for admission to study on the basis of payment-contract can be admitted with a letter of recommendation and interview.
In the current academic year, according to PD №, 279 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 15, 2022 "On the parameters of the state order for admission to higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the 2022/2023 academic year" quotas were allocated in 16 directions in the form of correspondence education at the university.
At present, admissions are made in the following directions in correspondence education of the university:
- 60412800– Electronic commerce;
- 60610300– Information security (by sectors);
- 60610501– Computer engineering ("Computer engineering");
- 60610502– Computer engineering ("IT - service");
- 60610503– Computer engineering ("Multimedia technologies");
- 60611001– Telecommunication technologies ("Telecommunications");
- 60611002– Telecommunication technologies ("Broadcasting");
- 60611003– Telecommunication technologies ("Mobile systems");
- 60320400 – Library and information activities;
- 60611300 – Vocational education in the field of ICT;
- 60310500 – Digital economy (by sectors and industries);
- 60610600 – Software engineering;
- 60611101 – Television technologies ("Audiovisual technologies");
- 60611102 – Television technologies ("TV studio systems and applications");
- 60611200 – economics and management in ICT;
- 60612100 – Cyber security engineering.
Admission to correspondence education:
- Admission of students to university for correspondence education is carried out in accordance with the regulation on admission of students to bachelor's degrees of higher educational institutions approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 393 dated June 20, 2017.
- For correspondence form - general secondary (based on grades 10-11), secondary special, having the appropriate document on vocational education and successfully passing the tests (entrance exams) applicants are accepted. (Tests are conducted by the State Testing Center);
- Correspondence admission of applicants with letters of recommendation - the list of organizations issuing letters of recommendation is approved by the relevant decision of the State Commission on admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Applicants who have at least five years of work experience in economic sectors and who have a letter of recommendation from the relevant ministry, department and large business associations are classified according to the results of the interview (double the amount of the basic fee-contract) on a fee-contract basis is accepted to study. (The interview commission is organized by the university).
- To the subsequent higher education by correspondence - who has a higher education (if he graduated from a foreign higher education institution, his higher education document was recognized in the prescribed manner (nostrification have done) and applicants who have successfully passed tests (entrance exams or professional interviews) are accepted. (Entrance tests are organized by the university in coordination with relevant ministries).
Study periods in correspondence education:
- In external form - 5 years;
- Interview-based correspondence - 5 years;
- Part-time based on second and subsequent higher education - at least 4 years. In this case, studies start from the 2nd year of the bachelor's education, regardless of the difference in subjects in the study plans.
2023-2024 o‘quv yilida Sirtqi ta’limda to‘lov kontrakt miqdorlari:
№ |
Yo‘nalish nomi |
1-yillik bazaviy to‘lov-kontrakt miqdori (so‘mda) |
1-yillik tabaqalashtirilgan (suhbat asosidagilar uchun) to‘lov-kontrakt miqdori miqdori (so‘mda) |
Ikkinchi oliy ta’lim sirtqi shakli uchun 1-yillik to‘lov-kontrakt miqdori miqdori (so‘mda) |
1. |
Elektron tijorat; |
10,461,682 |
20,923,364 |
11,208,945 |
2. |
Axborot xavfsizligi (sohalar bo‘yicha); |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
3. |
Kompyuter injiniringi (“Kompyuter injiniringi”); |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
4. |
Kompyuter injiniringi (“AT - servis”); |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
5. |
Kompyuter injiniringi (“Multimedia texnologiyalari”); |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
6. |
Telekommunikatsiya texnologiyalari (“Telekommunikatsiyalar”); |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
7. |
Telekommunikatsiya texnologiyalari (“Teleradioeshittirish”); |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
8. |
Telekommunikatsiya texnologiyalari (“Mobil tizimlar”); |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
9. |
Kutubxona-axborot faoliyati. |
7,742,630 |
15,485,260 |
8,967,156 |
10. |
AKT sohasida kasb ta’limi |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
11. |
Raqamli iqtisodiyot (tarmoqlar va sohalar bo‘yicha) |
10,461,682 |
20,923,364 |
11,208,945 |
12. |
Dasturiy injiniring |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
13. |
Televizion texnologiyalar (“Audiovizual texnologiyalar”) |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
14. |
Televizion texnologiyalar (“Telestudiya tizimlari va ilovalari”) |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
15. |
AKT sohasida iqtisodiyot va menejment |
10,461,682 |
20,923,364 |
11,208,945 |
16. |
Kiberxavfsizlik injiniringi |
8,219,893 |
16,439,786 |
8,967,156 |
News for students of the external department will be provided through the department's telegram channel @tuit_sirtqi_online.