Head of TUIT Department of Computer Systems Rakhimov Mekhriddin Fazliddinovich Japan's Okinawa JICA and Fujitsu Co.Ltd. successfully completed the training course that lasted for nearly five months at the international center.

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  • Head of TUIT Department of Computer Systems Rakhimov Mekhriddin Fazliddinovich Japan's Okinawa JICA and Fujitsu Co.Ltd. successfully completed the training course that lasted for nearly five months at the international center.

Head of TUIT Department of Computer Systems Rakhimov Mekhriddin Fazliddinovich Japan's Okinawa JICA and Fujitsu Co.Ltd. successfully completed the training course that lasted for nearly five months at the international center.

In the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 31, 2023 No. PQ-167 "On additional measures to improve the system of ensuring cyber security of important information infrastructure objects of the Republic of Uzbekistan" In order to complete the tasks in a timely and perfect manner, the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi constantly monitors the participation of its professors and teachers in training and internship programs in universities and centers of developed countries of the world, and pays special attention to these processes. has been giving importance.

Head of Computer Systems Department of TATU, Rakhimov Mekhriddin Fazliddinovich, representative office of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Uzbekistan within the framework of the grant program "Increasing personnel skills in the field of ICT", Japan's Okinawa JICA and Fujitsu Co.Ltd. successfully completed the training course that lasted for nearly five months at the international center.

🗒 In the main course held from January 24 to May 24, knowledge and skills were given on the formation of personnel who can plan and implement the improvement of the activities of organizations using ICT. In addition to lectures on information and communication technology, the audience gained a variety of knowledge about the benefits of ICT through visits to administrative institutions and private companies in and outside of Okinawa.