✍️ 541st anniversary of the birth of king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

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✍️ 541st anniversary of the birth of king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur
👤 Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur was a writer, poet, scientist who occupied a special place in the culture, literature and poetry of the Middle Ages, and was also a great statesman and military leader. Babur founded the Babur dynasty in India with his broad outlook and perfect intelligence, while his name remains in the history of this country as a political leader, thanks to the work of "Boburnoma", written in excellent Uzbek language, he became one of the famous historians of the world. His elegant ghazals and rubai's are the rarest masterpieces of Turkish poetry, "Mubayyin" ("Declared"), "Hatti Baburiy", "Harb ishi", and his treatise on Aruz became a worthy contribution to the fields of Islamic jurisprudence, poetry and linguistic theory.