“Descendants of al-Khwarizmi » contest held in Margilan branch of educational center of digital technologies

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  • “Descendants of al-Khwarizmi » contest held in Margilan branch of educational center of digital technologies

In order to implement the third initiative put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 19, 2019, which defines the tasks for effective use of computer technology and the Internet by the population and youth, measures are being taken to further improve the quality of educational work, strengthen ideological immunity, and create conditions for realization of creative intellectual youth potential, attracting them to the use of computer technology, creative activity in the field of robotics, computer s gaming and cyber Sports.

For implementation of the tasks set forth in the third initiative of the President of our country in Margilan in Fergana Region, a number of activities are being carried out. In particular, in collaboration with the Department of Public Education and the Fergana Regional Department of the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on November 12, the Margilan branch of the Digital Learning Center among students of MargiLan schools held the “Descendants of al-Khwarizmi” competition in MS Office, Paint and cyber Sports.

This tournament was attended by more than 70 students of schools of Margilan aged 12-17 years. The event was opened by R. Tadzhibaev, an employee of the Fergana regional of the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and H. Madaminov, director of Margilan branch.

The competition was held under the supervision and supervision of the staff of the Training Center for Digital Technologies, the representative of the department of public education R. Akhmedov, the head of Fergana regional department of the Ministry of Education Kh. Kurbonov, the employees of the regional department U. Otazhonov, R. Tadzhibaev, Zh. Kodirova, Sh. Muhammadzhonov, representative of Fergana branch of TUIT B. Zhalilov.
According to the results of the competition, winners were identified who were awarded prizes from the regional department of the Ministry of Finance, Alskom and Uzmobayl companies. At the end of the event, all students who successfully completed the computer literacy training course were awarded certificates.