We invite you to take part in meeting dedicated to the defense of dissertation of Nazirava Elmira Shodmonovna for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc) in the specialty 05.01.07 - “Mathematical modeling. Quantitative methods and program complex ”on the topic:“ Mathematical models, quantitative methods and program complex for studying the process of filtering liquids and gases ”, which will be held on March 5 at 14:00, and also defense of dissertation of Kutlimuratov Yusup Kulbaevich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD) in technical sciences in the specialty 05.01.02 - “Systems Analysis, Management and Information Processing” on the topic: “Optimization Algorithms Based on Ecological Models of Placement and Specialization of Agricultural Production ". The meeting will be held on March 5 at 16:00.
On March 6, we invite to scientific seminars at which Mirzaev Avaz Egamberdievich’s dissertations will be discussed for a PhD degree in specialty 05.01.04 - “Mathematical and Software for Computers, Complexes and Computer Networks” on the topic: “Improving Efficiency of digital signal processing algorithms based on spline functions ", as well as Mirzaev Dilshod Aminovich on the topic:" Models and algorithms for assessing the functional reliability of information management software systems". Meetings will be held at 14:00 and 16:00 respectively.