Head of the IT rating center
Sobirov Shakhzod Ozod ugli
Reception hours: Monday - Friday (14:00-16:00)
Phone: (+99871) 238-64-11
E-mail: sh.sobirov@tuit.uz
Information about the activity of the center
The head of the IT rating center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is appointed and dismissed by order of the rector of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (hereinafter referred to as the University).
A person with higher education, who knows Uzbek and Russian languages (knowledge of English language is supported) will be appointed to the position of the head of the center.
The head of the center reports to the rector and performs his activities under his direction.
The head of the center in his activities follows:
- Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Decrees, decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- University's Charter, orders , as well as the Department's Regulations.
Head of the center:
- knowledge of the normative-legal and organizational-management documents defining and regulating the activities of the center, the system of working with a rating assessment of the effectiveness of the introduction and development of information and communication technologies in the activities of universities, relevant laws and regulatory documents;
- Knowing how to work with the official website and interactive government services;
- must follow the university's labor protection and safety techniques, building entry and exit procedures, internal work procedures, manners, ethics and aesthetics, as well as fire safety rules.
Center tasks:
- Controlling the implementation of the Decrees and Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Decrees of the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the university.
- Monitoring the operation of the interdepartmental electronic document circulation system in universities.
- Control of the internal electronic document exchange system in universities.
- Monitoring the availability and level of use of information systems used in universities to regulate the calculation and reporting of material and technical resources, to regulate interactions with consumers of manufactured products.
- Existence of action plans for the implementation of information security systems in universities in the coming years.
- Presenting specific proposals to the university management to eliminate and solve existing shortcomings and problems.
- Organization of inspection of performance and labor discipline of structural units based on the approved plan (departments, centers, etc.) and conducting student questionnaires.