We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the ICISCT2023 (http://www.icisct2023.org/), International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies , to be held in Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, on September 28-30, 2023.

The International conference on information science and communications technologies ICISCT2023. The 2023 IEEE and IFIP International Conference in central Asia on Information Science and Communications Technologies. ICISCT 2023 invites high-quality recent research results in the areas of Information Science, Wireless and optical communications Networks and Information and communications technologies ICT.

📋Conference materials are printed as an electronic resource and indexed in SCOPUS, Google Scholar, and the IEEE Xplore base.

✅Articles are accepted only in English.

📌Links for previous conferences:

📌links to send articles:

Conference Paper submission deadline: August 21. 2023
For more info👉: http://www.icisct2023.org/

TATU | Rasmiy kanali
📌Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universitetida hisoblash tizimlari va tarmoqlarining apparat, dasturiy, elektrotexnik va radioelektronika bo‘yicha standartlarni ishlab chiqishda dunyo yetakchisi hisoblangan IEEE xalqaro notijorat assotsiatsiyasi texnik hamkorligida 2022-yil 28-30 sentabr kunlari “International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies” (ICISCT 2022) xalqaro konferensiya bo'lib o'tdi.

International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT2023).