Head of the department:
PhD, Associate professor Babadjanov B. Khasan
The "History of Uzbekistan" department was founded in 1955, and it was established as a separate department in 1970 at the same time as a number of social science departments. Before 1967, the Department of Social Sciences was headed by associate professor (later, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician) H.T. Tursunov. In 1955, S.Y.A.Svirsky, associate professor (doctor of technical sciences in 1976, professor in 1978) worked at the department. In the following years, associate professor V.V. Yakovlev, L.T. Salimyaznova, associate professor S.M. Yafasova, associate professor V.I. Polyakov, associate professor A.M. Mirkholikov, Kh.Kh.Abdurakhmanov, senior teacher BD.Yusupov, associate professor M.T.Abdurasulov served. In 1965, N.V. Mandralskaya, who graduated from MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov, was admitted to the department. The teachers of the department taught students about history, philosophy, economic theory and a number of optional subjects. Department 1967-1983 candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Kh.Kh. Abdurakhmonov, 1982-2003 doctor of historical sciences, professor, scientist who served in Uzbekistan A.G. Abdunabiev, associate professor N.G. Ozerova, associate professors V.V. Yakovlev, A.M. Mirkholikov, doctor of historical sciences, professor A. Uralov, associate professor M.M. Saidovalar, prof. Tulenova G.J., prof. Makhkamova G.J., Babadzhanov were the directors.
- The latest history of Uzbekistan
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Khakimov Alisher Olimjonovich - head of the department
- Babadjanov Khasan Bakhtiyorovich - associate professor
- Mahkamova Nadira Rakhmanovna - doctor of history, professor
- Tulenova Gulmira Zhandarovna - doctor of philosophy, professor
- Boboyorov Bobomurod Normatovich - F.f.f.d. (PhD), associate professor
- Sagdullayeva Dilbar Shuhratovna - Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
- Gulamov Ilkhomjon Komiljonovich - Ph.D. (PhD), associate professor
- Sanakulov Abror Nazarovich - F.f.f.d. (PhD), associate professor
- Sharifkhodjayeva Nargiza Abdumannonovna is a senior teacher
- Shirinova Fatima Nosyrovna is a senior teacher
- Ziyaeva Dilorom Salikhovna is a senior teacher
- Abdullaeva Ziyoda Nabievna is a senior teacher
- Azizova Mahira Anvarovna is a senior teacher
- Alimova Shakhnoza Khamidovna is a senior teacher
- Zaynitdinova Vasila Bakiyevna is a senior teacher
- Kasimova Zumrad Sabirjanovna is a senior teacher
- Diyora Abdurashidovna Tashkenbayeva is a senior teacher
- Karimova Gulchehra Abdukarimovna - assistant
- Ibodullayeva Gulhayo Shukhrat's daughter - assistant
- Usmanov Begzod Khasanbekovich - assistant
In the 2020-2021 academic year, the number of articles in scientific journals included in the "Scopus" and "Web of Science" databases - 7, the number of articles in international scientific journals - 21, the number of scientific theses in international conferences in the 2020-2021 academic year - 23 , the number of articles in scientific journals recognized by the Republic of Uzbekistan - 11, the number of theses in the conferences of the Republic - 24.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, the number of articles in scientific journals included in the "Scopus" and "Web of Science" databases - 11, the number of articles in international scientific journals - 23, the number of scientific theses at international conferences in the 2021-2022 academic year - 23 , the number of articles in scientific journals recognized by the Republic of Uzbekistan - 14, the number of theses in the conferences of the Republic - 28.
In the 2022-2023 academic year, the number of articles in scientific journals included in the "Scopus" and "Web of Science" databases - 13, the number of articles in international scientific journals - 25, the number of scientific theses at international conferences in the 2022-2023 academic year - 30 , the number of articles in scientific journals recognized by the Republic of Uzbekistan - 22, the number of theses at conferences of the Republic - 35.
Spiritual and educational work of the department
Professors and teachers of the department are carrying out planned and unplanned promotion and campaigning in places, including organizations, enterprises and localities, in order to explain the essence of the President's decisions, speeches and works.
The professor of the department G.J.Tulenova's business trip to South Korea's Kookmin University on December 3-10, 2023 informed the members of the department about the work done during the business trip. In particular, the signing of the agreement on cooperation between TATU and Kukmin University, the educational system of this university, the areas where faculties and specialists are trained, the material and technical base of the university, the library, educational buildings, laboratories and the teaching in them He told in detail about the practice of holding sports fields in an innovative way. Then he gave information about the topics of the lectures heard during the business trip and the issues raised in them.

on January 3, 2024, in the activists' hall of the university, by the heads of the department, the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Combating Corruption" In connection with the adoption of the Law No. O'RQ-419, a scientific-theoretical seminar was held with the participation of professors and teachers of the Department of Humanities on the topic "Corruption is a social stability problem that destroys the state system" with the participation of university employees and professors . All POs of the department took part in it. Professors-teachers of the department G. Tulenova and B. Boboyorov gave lectures and were highly evaluated by the university management.

Under the leadership of professors and teachers of the Department of Humanities, a scientific-theoretical seminar was organized for the leading staff of the university and all teaching staff on the topic "Jadidlar: history, life and ideas of the struggle for national independence". Professor of the Department of Humanities N.R.Mahkamova gave information about the emergence, history and essence of the Jadidchilik movement. At the beginning of the event, a video about Turkestan Autonomy was shown.

The address of the department: B-block, 4th floor, room 414