Primary trade union committee

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Jumaev Sokhib Bakhodirovich

Reception hours:Monday – Friday 15:00 – 17:00.
Phone: (+99871)238-64-02

About the activities of the primary trade union committee

Protects the social, economic and legal interests of members of the primary trade union committee in their work activities.

The primary trade union committee of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (TUIT COMMITTEE) is organized by professors, doctoral students, employees and retirees who have worked at the university for many years.

The COMMITTEE consists of 17 activist members.

The university management, together with the trade union committee, makes decisions affecting the interests of employees. Timely considers the proposals of the trade union committee and provides the necessary information to the trade union committee on labor issues, university management, related to the activities of the university and other socio-political issues.

For employees who are members of the primary trade union committee:

  • respect the constitutional rights of a trade union member to work, freely choose a job and profession, create fair working conditions and be protected from unemployment, regardless of nationality, gender, age and religious beliefs;
  • increase free time, which is a means of restoring a person’s spiritual and physical strength, and use it wisely;
  • compliance with labor legislation, laws, rules and regulations in the field of labor and environmental protection;
  • creating a base for rehabilitation and allocating the necessary funds;
  • draw up collective agreements and agreements in order to strengthen social cooperation, monitor their implementation;
  • work in collaboration with government bodies and public organizations, adopt laws and other regulations aimed at protecting the labor, socio-economic and moral rights and freedoms of trade union members, maintaining stability, solidarity and civil harmony;
  • introduction of a socially fair wage payment system;

According to the level of production development, they strive to improve the qualifications of trade union members and achieve professional retraining.

Rights and obligations of trade union members:

  • Trade union membership is voluntary. An employee who recognizes the Charter of the trade union, fulfills its requirements and pays membership fees can become a member of a trade union;
  • receive legal assistance and protection of the trade union in state, judicial and economic bodies on issues related to labor relations, regardless of the form of ownership;
  • elections and elections to trade union bodies;
  • participation in trade union events, free expression of his opinion, personal participation in meetings, meetings and conferences at which issues related to his activities and behavior are discussed;
  • appeal to higher trade union committees;
  • receiving referrals for treatment and recreation to trade union sanatoriums, sanatoriums, sanatorium-preventive institutions, recreation centers, children's health camps at reduced rates.

The trade union committee, in agreement with the university administration, will consider the following decisions:

  • Improving working conditions, safety and health;
  • employment of university employees and provision of social benefits to them;
  • Motivation and reward of employees and students;
  • Making jointly agreed decisions on other problems of a socio-economic nature within the competence of the university;
  • Providing employees with preferential referrals for treatment to the university clinic;
  • Providing faculty and staff with preferential vacation vouchers at the Bostonlik sports and fitness complex.

Activities of the Primary Trade Union Committee:

In the course of its work, the COMMITTEE studies low-income university employees and students; they are provided with financial incentives in agreement with the university management. Financial assistance is provided by the trade union committee to students who are children from low-income families, on the recommendation of the dean's office.

The COMMITTEE pays attention to single elderly people who have retired after many years of work at the university. They are informed annually about their condition and financial support is provided at the level of their financial means.

At the university, the COMMITTEE oversees the following activities for the purpose of social protection of employees:

  • Employee – social protection of employees;
  • Labor discipline;
  • Creation of labor protection and working conditions;
  • Employee – control of employee wages and income tax withheld from wages;
  • Timely payment of wages and advances;
  • Preparation for the winter-autumn season;
  • Unreasonable expulsion of students from the university;
  • Implementation of the collective agreement quarterly;
  • Employee – medical examination of employees;

In order to maintain labor discipline, the COMMITTEE, together with committee activists, carries out explanatory work and clarifies the problems that have arisen. Serious cases are considered at a meeting of the Trade Union Council and a notification is sent to the administration.

The COMMITTEE carries out constant monitoring of labor safety throughout the year and once a year organizes medical examinations of workers in order to increase the efficiency of their work. Some employees are provided with financial assistance to obtain medicines when undergoing a medical examination. At the same time, the medical branch of the university is provided with medicines and medicines to provide first aid to employees, regardless of work, in agreement with management. The work of doctors and nurses in the medical center is monitored. He also works to restore the health of students.

The timely payment of wages and advances to employees is monitored.

The COMMITTEE allocates discounted vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes for employees during vacation and to restore their health.

The COMMITTEE constantly monitors the existing canteens of the university, that is, it monitors the sanitary condition of the kitchens, the quality of food, and food prices.

The COMMITTEE, taking into account the great attention paid to spiritual and educational work, supports the policy pursued by the head of our state, preserves our history and architectural monuments preserved by our ancestors.

In order to increase the legal literacy of students and staff, in agreement with the university management, meetings and round tables on the topic of occurrence are held in all groups at the “Knowledge Day” of each academic year. religious extremism and the spiritual and educational foundations of the fight against it.

Every year, for cultural leisure of employees and students, tickets to Mukimi, National Academic Theater and other theaters are organized.

The COMMITTEE develops and organizes festive events for all holidays of our republic.

For employees with children under 12 years of age, New Year's gifts and tickets to New Year's Christmas events are organized.

In front of the public, 55-, 60-, 70- and 80-year-old employees are solemnly awarded.

Every year, on the Day of Remembrance and Gratitude on May 9, financial incentives are provided to university employees and WWII participants who have worked at the university for many years, internationalist fighters, workers who worked on the home front and their peers, and to the festive table.