Tashkent University of Information Technologies is currently implementing following projects:
1. Project for Improvement of Equipment for Media Training Center at Tashkent University of Information Technologies. Grant is supported by JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (JICA). Period of Implementation 2016-2019 years.

2. Project for Establishment and Dissemination of Integrated Educational Information System for Tashkent University of Information Technologies. Grant is supported by KOREA INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (KOICA). Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.

3. Accessibility and Harmonization of Higher Education In Central Asia through Curriculum Modernization and Development (ACADEMICA). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2015-2018 years.
Coordinator: Sobirjan Yusupov, Associate Professor
Tel: 8 371 235 65 09 /Mob: 998 93 387 64 11
Email: s.yusupov@tuit.uz
Website: http://www.academicaproject.eu/en/
4. National Qualification Frameworks: Guidelines for Development and Recognition of Qualifications (NURSLIN). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2015-2018 years.
Coordinator: Erkin Imamov, Professor
Mob: +998 90 979 20 57
Email: erkinimamov@mail.ru
Website: https://www.ualg.pt/en/content/nursling-erasmus
5. Technology in Rehabilitation (TechReh). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2015-2018 years.
Coordinator: Marat Rakhmatullaev, Professor
Mob: +998 94 688 31 33
e-mail: marat56@mail.ru
Website: http://www.techreh.unisannio.it/ http://www.techreh.uz/

6. Modernization of the Curricula in sphere of smart building engineering - Green Building (GREB). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2016-2019 years.
Coordinator: Ilkhomjon Siddikov, Professor, Head of the Department.
Mob: + (99890) 358-98-77
Email: ikhsiddikov@mail.ru
Website: http://greb.univaq.it/
7. INTRAS: Intelligent Transport Systems: New Master Programs on ICT in Uzbekistan. Project is funded by Erasmus+.
Period of Implementation 2016-2019 years.
Coordinator: Ahmed Yusupov, Professor
Tel: +998 71 238-64-15/ 99 866-45-06
Email: ayus@mail.ru
Website: http://intras.uz/
8. New and Innovative Courses for Precision Agriculture (NICOPA). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.
Coordinator: Temurbek Kuchkorov, Associate Professor
Tel: +998977082210
Email: timanet4u@gmail.com
Website: https://nicopa.eu/index.php
9. MODERNISATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN CENTRAL ASIA THROUGH NEW TECHNOLOGIES (HiEdTec). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.
10. Developing services for Individuals with Disabilities (DECIDE). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.
Coordinator: Sherzod Gulomov, Associate Professor
Mob: +998 909708464
Email: sherhisor30@gmail.com
11. UNiversity Cooperation Framework for Knowledge Transfer in Central Asia and China (UNICAC). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.
Coordinator: Javlonbek Abdujalilov, Head of International Relations Department.
Mob: +998998032912
Email: javlontuit@gmail.com
12. Innovative Teaching Education in Mathematics (ITEM). Project is funded by Erasmus+. Period of Implementation 2018-2021 years.
Coordinator: Nargiza Usmonova, Professor
Mob: +998712386583
Email: nargizausm@mail.ru
Currently Tashkent University of Information Technologies participating in Erasmus+ 7 CBHE projects and 2 ICM projects.