The head of the department:
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zaynidinov Hakimjon Nasiridinovich
Based on the order of the rector of Tashkent University of Information Technologies No. 809 dated August 18, 2021, the Department of "Artificial Intelligence" was established at the Faculty of Computer Engineering.
A total of 16 professors, including 3 professors, 6 associate professors, 3 senior teachers, and 4 assistant teachers work in the Department of Artificial Intelligence. From August 27, 2021, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zaynidinov Hakimjon Nasiridinovich has been working as the head of the department.
The main purposes of the department's team are to prepare advanced bachelors and masters in the field of artificial intelligence, to conduct educational methodological and research work. "Artificial intelligence and IOT technologies" and "Embedded systems" laboratories are operating within the department, and it is planned to establish "Robotics" and "Cloud computing" laboratories. In addition, the department teaches students of 2 undergraduate courses and 4 graduate specializations.
60610700 – Artificial intelligence
60711500 – Mechatronics and robotics
70610701 – Artificial intelligence
70610505 – Internet of things
70610503 – Computer systems in medicine
70611702 – Intelligent information and communication systems
- Introduction to machine learning
- Human-computer interaction
- Embedded systems
- Systems and signals processing
- Introduction to artificial intelligence
- IoT technologies
- Big Data
- Introduction to specialty
- Robotics and intelligent systems
- Cloud technologies
- Designing a knowledge base
- Signal and image processing
- Artificial intelligence technologies and tools in robotics
- Artificial intelligence and neural networks
- Searching and extracting information
- Human-computer interaction
- Big Data
- Engineering mathematics, statistics and data analysis
- Intellectual information - communication systems
- Parallel algorithms in intelligent systems
- IoT technologies
- Machine learning
- Medical equipment - software tools
- Methods and means of intellectual data analysis
- Computer vision
- Analysis of speech signals
- Zaynidinov Khakimjon Nasiridinovich - head of the department
- Musayev Muhammadjon Mahmudovich - professor
- Sungjik Lee – professor
- Kahharov Alokhon Abrorovich - associate professor
- Shukurov Kamoliddin Elbobo ugli - associate professor
- Azimov Bunyod Rakhimjonovich - associate professor
- Ochilov Mannon Musinovich - associate professor
- Kochkarov Muslim Adhamjon ugli - associate professor
- Abdullayeva Malika Ilhamovna - associate professor
- Azimova Umida Asrolovna - senior teacher
- Kholdorov Shahruhmirzo Imomali ugli - senior teacher
- Tillaboyev Azamjon Anvarovich - senior teacher
- Hasanov Umidjon Komiljon ugli - assistant
- Nurmurodov Javokhir Normurod ugli - assistant
- Kobilov Sirojiddin Sherkulovich - assistant
- Muminov Elyor Normudovich - assistant