Director of the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi:
Karshiyev Zaynidin Abduvalievich
The Samarkand branch of TUIT was organized on July 23, 2005, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on May 30, 2002 "About the development of computerization and the introduction of information technologies" and the Presidential Decree PP-91 dated on June 2, 2005 "About improvement of the system of training specialists in the sphere of information technologies".
Today, 1131 undergraduate students and 17 graduate students study in the branch. The faculty of the branch consists of 78 employees and 27 part-timers, 3 of them are doctors of science professors, 28 candidates of science are associate professors.
There are two faculty buildings and one student dormitory in the branch.
The branch is equipped in modern style with 18 lecture rooms, 32 classrooms for practical lessons, as well as 16 computer classes, 5 teaching laboratories, one language laboratory, an information-resource center, a large gym, where students study with pleasure.
Educational work:
There are two faculties and 9 departments in the branch.
- Computer engineering;
- Telecommunications technologies and professional education.
- Information technologies;
- Software engineering;
- Computer systems;
- Natural sciences;
- Information education technologies;
- Telecommunication engineering;
- Social and Human Sciences;
- Department of languages;
- Information Security.
The branch prepares specialists of undergraduate students according to 5 directions and graduate students in one specialty.
- Computer Engineering (Computer engineering, IT services);
- Software engineering;
- Information security (information and communication technologies and services);
- Telecommunication Technologies;
- Professional Education in the sphere of ICT.
- Computer engineering (design of computer systems).
All classes at the branch are conducted using new teaching and information technologies. Educational and methodical complexes in 110 subjects using interactive methods have been formed by the teachers of the branch. Every year the learning process is enriched with new technical means. Currently, all lessons are conducted using multimedia tools.
The method of electronic distance learning is widely used in the branch. Since 2013, video-conference classes have been held by the teachers of special departments of TUIT where all the students of the branch actively and with great interest take part in these classes.

Information of TUIT Samarkand branch for reference:
- Tel./Fax: (8 366) 232-29-29
- E-mail: samtuit@tuit.uz
- Official website: www.samtuit.uz