TATU delegatsiyasi uchrashuv davomida Keio Universitetining Professorlari Kan Suzuki, Jun Murai, Masahito Kawamori bilan uchrashib, Keio Universitetining Fan va Tenologiyalar fakulteti bilan hamkorlikda ilmiy tadqiqot loyihalarni amalga oshirish bo'yicha kelishib oldi.
Currently, a group of teachers at the Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi is implementing a project on the introduction of digital technologies in agriculture "Creating new and innovative courses for agriculture (NICOPA)."
In accordance with the third initiative “Effective Use of Computer Technologies and the Internet among Population and Youth”, one of the five initiatives put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 19, 2019.
On November 14 this year, a round table discussions were organized at Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi together with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education on topic: “Actual tasks of higher educational institutions in the context of political and legal reforms in our country.”
In order to implement the third initiative put forward by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 19, 2019, which defines the tasks for effective use of computer technology and the Internet by the population and youth, measures are being taken to further improve the quality of educational work, strengthen ideological immunity, and create conditions for realization of creative intellectual youth potential, attracting them to the use of computer technology, creative activity in the field of robotics, computer s gaming and cyber Sports.
Professor of the University of Idaho (USA) Bob Houghton conducts a training seminar for all deans and heads of departments of TUIT. The seminar will be held from November 1 to December 9, on Mondays and Thursdays at 14:00-15:00.