Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi took the 638th place among TOP universities in the UI Green Metric World University Rankings.
The UI Green Metric World University Rankings is an international ranking aimed at promoting energy and green transportation by promoting and developing new ideas and innovations.
The high result of our University in this rating is the result of the work aimed at improving scientific research, education and infrastructure in recent years. The rating was compiled based on the conclusions of the world's leading experts, such as Isidro Aguillo (Webometrics), Angela Yung-Chi Hou (HEEACT), and Alex Usher (Educational Policy Canada). They are improving their reputation of their univercities.
The essence and purpose of this international ranking is annually organize the ranking of World Universities on sustainability, to encourage sustainability practices in universities around the world, to provide sustainability-related services for universities around the world, and to promote international cooperation on sustainability.