The conference was opened with a welcome speech by K. Tashev, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and Innovations.
The following key presentations were delivered during the event:
➖ Aziz Mukhiddinov, a consultant on digital transformation, presented on “Prospects for Developing Digitalization of Public Services in Uzbekistan”;
➖ Professor Maxsadkhon Yakubov, from the Department of Digital Convergence, spoke on “Modernizing Public Administration Structures in the Process of Forming a Digital Society”;
➖ Professor Jeongyong Byun, an expert in digital technologies, presented on “Bidirectional Encoding of Korean and Uzbek Alphabets.”
📝 The presentations were informative, engaging, and featured lively Q&A sessions, where participants received answers to their questions.
📝 The international conference received over 150 submissions, of which 74 were accepted.