- 1955 - Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (TEIS).
- 1960 - the first generation of telecommunication engineers was trained.
- 1978 - support points of the correspondence department of TEIS in Frunze (now Bishkek), Dushanbe, Almaty and Fergana.
- 1993 - a special faculty was organized at TUIT for the training of officers.
- 1994 - the Central Asian Telecommunication Training Center was established at TEIS for the advanced training of engineers, technical workers in the communication networks of the republics of Central Asia, Mongolia, Pakistan and India.
- 1997 - the lycee-boarding school at the institute began its activity.
- 1999 - the academic lyceum at the institute began its activity.
- 2002 - in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Institute was renamed the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT).
- 2005 - regional branches of TUIT were organized in Karshi, Nukus, Samarkand, Urgench and Fergana.
Tashkent University of Information Technologies (formerly the Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communications) in 1955. On May 30, 2002 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.UP-91 the institute was transformed into the Tashkent University of Information Technologies.
On June 2, 2005, in accordance with the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.UP-91, regional branches were established in Karshi, Samarkand, Urgench and Fergana.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of March 26, 2013 No. PP-1942 "On measures to further improve the system of training personnel in the field of information and communication technologies" in recent years, a number of measures have been implemented to dramatically improve the system of training highly qualified personnel in ICT at the level world standards.In the structure of the university and its regional branches 13 faculties, 62 departments, the university trains students in 23 directions of education, including 8 new directions of bachelor's degree and 9 new specialties of magistracy.
At the university and its regional branches, 10,242 students study, 9858 of them in the bachelor's degree and 384 in the magistracy. Over the past year, 1 student was awarded a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 5 students became holders of personal scholarships, 32 students - scholarships in the communications industry, and 44 students won prizes in the Republican Olympiads in subjects and contests. 780 teachers work at the university, 204 of them are candidates of science and associate professors. The number of graduates is 31% of the total number.
The total area of the university and its branches is 54.4 thousand square meters. km, there are 380 classrooms, 113 educational laboratories, 10 research laboratories, 9 sports complexes and grounds, 7 student dormitories and 11 canteen buildings on its territory.
The university established cooperation with 42 universities, 8 research centers, 12 enterprises and organizations from 26 foreign countries (South Korea, Japan Germany, France, India, etc.).
As a result of international cooperation, 16 educational laboratories, 9 computer classes, 4 centers - the Uzbek-Indian Information Technology Center, the Uzbek-Korean Information Technology Center, the Uzbek-Korean Center "Internet Plaza", the training center of the CISCO regional academy have been opened in recent years. The Indian-Indian Center for Information Technologies named after J. Nehru was modernized at the expense of grant funds in the amount of 500 thousand US dollars.
A multimedia class was organized, equipped with an interactive ViewSonic projector and modern equipment.
A delegation of directors of two regional branches and head of the University's international relations department in 2015 visited Seoul National University (South Korea) on December 14-22. The main purpose of the visit is to participate in an international conference and events dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the establishment of cooperation between TUIT and the Seoul National University. During the conference, the delegation of TUIT and students studying in the graduate and doctoral studies of SNU presented information on the activities of TUIT and its regional branches, theses topics. In addition, two TUIT professors presented their research projects in videoconference mode to the conference participants.
At the university and its affiliates for the study of next-generation networks (NGN), 6 educational and scientific laboratories of JSC "Uzbektelecom" were organized. In the current academic year, an exhibition of software and technical developments of gifted students, undergraduates and university professors was organized, where more than 90 software and technical developments, Internet applications for mobile devices based on Android, IOS and Windows were presented. More than 70 certificates and patents for individual designs were received.
Since 2012, TUIT and its affiliates have organized permanent multistage courses for teachers of English. As a result, by the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year, more than 52% of teachers have studied English. From 2013-2014 more than 70 teachers of the university and its branches began to teach special disciplines in English.
Starting in the 2013-2014 academic year, the English language was included in the block of entrance test tests, in addition, from the academic year 2015-2016 the number of disciplines taught in English increased from 31 to 60.
In recent years, the university faculty has developed more than 600 textbooks and teaching aids, in particular, in 2012-2013 academic year. 179, in 2013-2014 academic year. - 205, in 2014-2015 academic year. - 226 units.
The general fund of the Information and Resource Center of the University includes more than 322 thousand units. literature, of which 194 thousand educational literature, 100 859 units. - a scientific foundation, also more than 13 thousand units. electronic literature. Educational literature in English is more than 16 thousand units. IRC functions using two programs: IRBIS and ARMAT. The entire IRC fund is included in these two programs. The total number of bibliographic records reached 42752 units. The IRC Foundation has 58 doctoral dissertations. Students TUIT have the opportunity to use the sites www.dilib.uz at www.natlib.uz.
Various information systems were created that were introduced into the educational process and university management: in particular, the electronic program "Dekanat" www.decanat.tuit.uz, the electronic document management system and the performing discipline www.dcs.tuit.uz.
Since the 2014-2015 school year, in order to improve the quality of graduate qualification works of undergraduate and master's theses students, the system has been implemented with anti-plagiarism.
Over the past 3 years, 490 teachers have completed refresher courses. Research works on 71 projects for the sum of 3.98 billion soums and work on economic contracts with enterprises of the industry for the amount of 2.25 billion soums are carried out.
In 2015 the doctoral theses of 4 researchers were defended in TUIT. In order to improve the skills of managers and employees of state bodies in the field of ICT and e-government, the following measures were implemented:
According to the order of the State Communications Committee of September 30, 2013, No. 366 "On the establishment of the e-government training center," the rules for the organizational structure of the center, as well as sources of financial and logistical support, were approved. In TUIT educational premises for theoretical and practical classes were organized. For the employees of the center, offices were organized and technically equipped. In the TUIT branches, regional e-government training centers were established. The teaching staff of the center was approved in the amount of 25 people from among the professors and teachers of TUIT. In addition, more than 150 highly qualified specialists from the Electronic Government Development Center and the communications and information industries were involved.
On the basis of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmiy and 5 regional branches, advanced training courses for teachers of 19 higher educational institutions and 59 professional colleges and basic training centers of the Cabinet of Ministers were organized.
The training facilities are equipped with 3050 computers connected to the Internet, of which 1301 are at the university and its branches, 5,457 in the basic training centers and 1,292 in professional colleges.
Multimedia and presentation materials, teaching aids for improving the skills of employees in the development of e-government and ICT have been developed.
A foreign specialist from the Republic of Korea was invited to the Electronic Government Training Center at TUIT for 1 year, who was engaged in the development of new training programs in the framework of e-government projects.
With the participation of a Korean specialist, the following training courses for 2016 have been developed:
"Electronic government - opportunities and prospects" (14 hours);
"A single portal for interactive public services is one of the main segments of e-government" (10 hours);
"Access to public data with a single point" (10 hours);
"Project management in the field of information technology" (38 hours);
"Business Process Reengineering - BPR" (16 hours);
"Development of corporate information systems ERP" (20 hours);
"Information security" (22 hours);
To conduct computer literacy courses TUIT and its affiliates, 196 trainers-teachers and 33 highly-qualified specialists in the field of information technologies were trained and attracted.
A web-portal of the e-government training center has been developed, in which educational materials are placed electronically, conditions for online test trials and a database of issued certificates have also been created.
In 2015, 9,195 employees of state and local authorities passed courses "Electronic Government" (in 2015, 9,000, the plan was fulfilled by 101%).
In order to improve the skills of managers and specialists of state and economic management in the field of information and communication technologies in 2015, these courses were conducted by 42,851 specialists (plan for 2015 - 44,784, respectively, fulfilled by 96%). 4490 employees of enterprises and organizations were trained in the basic training courses at the Cabinet of Ministers' complexes.
In order to increase the computer literacy of the population, groups were created to increase the computer literacy "Bunyodkor Yoshlar 2013", "Bunyodkor yoshlar 2014", "Bunyodkor yoshlar 2015", which included active students and teachers of TUIT and its affiliates. These groups, in cooperation with representatives of the Mahalla Foundation, regional offices of the vocational training center, organized training courses on the basis of 93 professional colleges and academic lyceums.
In addition, representatives of the asset of mahallas and business entities in the Republic in 2013 - 8,903 people, in 2014 - 12045 and 18169 - in 2016 were trained on these courses. For the period 2011-2015, a total of 61,110 representatives of mahallas and business entities completed computer literacy courses.
In order to increase the computer literacy of the population, the Mahalla Foundation in the Mahalla Ziyoshi educational and methodological center organized training courses on computer literacy for 391 executive secretary of the gatherings of the citizens of makhallas in Tashkent.