Listeners of foundation courses at the joint faculty of TUIT-BSUIR were certified

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  • Listeners of foundation courses at the joint faculty of TUIT-BSUIR were certified

On August 17, a ceremony of awarding certificates to students who completed foundation courses at the joint faculty of information technology TUIT-BSUIR was held. The event was attended by the rector of TUIT T. Teshabaev, vice-rector for academic affairs F. Agzamov, adviser of the rector of TUIT I. Tsyrelchuk, teachers, students of sub-courses as well as their parents.

TATU-BDIRU Axborot texnologiyalari qoʻshma fakulteti qoshida TATU va BDIRU yuqori malakali oʻqituvchilar tomonidan 9 oy davomida rus tili, ingliz tili, informatika, matematika, fizika fanlari boʻyicha tayyorlov kurslari tashkil qilingan edi.

Tayyorlov kurs fanlari boʻyicha imtihonlarni muvaffaqiyatli tamomlagan 71 ta tinglovchi sertifikat bilan taqdirlandi hamda muddatidan oldin TALABA boʻlish imkoniyatiga ega bo’lishdi!

“We studied at foundation courses at joint faculty of information technologies of TUIT-BSUIR. All classes were conducted in Russian. Today I am happy! Because I successfully passed all the exams and received certificate. I am glad that we will study at both TUIT and BSUIR and will have a double diploma. Our diploma will be recognized not only in Uzbekistan, but throughout the world. I am grateful to TUIT and its management for the created conditions,” said Takhmina Eshonkulova, a student of sub-courses.

We remind you that on September 13, 2018, an agreement was signed between the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi and the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics to organize a joint faculty of information technologies to train highly qualified specialists in the field of information technologies. In accordance with this agreement, starting from the 2019-2020 academic year, training in the following areas is provided for at the joint faculty of information technologies of TUIT-BSUIR:

information technology software;

software mobile systems;

Artificial Intelligence.

Studying at the joint faculty of information technology TUIT-BSUIR is carried out on the basis of the “2 + 2” scheme, i.e. 2 years at TUIT (1-2 courses) and 2 years at BSUIR (3-4 courses). Thus, students who successfully graduate from the joint faculty of information technology of TUIT-BSUIR will receive two diplomas.

It should be noted that the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics (BSUIR) is the largest national scientific and educational center of Belarus, which has great opportunities for conducting educational and scientific activities. The university is equipped with modern laboratory equipment and has a developed infrastructure; in addition, the university has all the conditions for education and research activities.

TUIT Press Service