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  • "ROBO CODERS 2019"

On February 24 at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi with the support of the National Agency for Project Management under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the final stage of the Republican competition "ROBO CODERS 2019" organized by the Directorate of the Innovation Center "Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Center". The aim of competition is to support the development and implementation of information technologies.

On the same day, the results of the competition were determined and a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners took place in meeting hall of TUIT. The competition program includes 9 prizes and several encouraging nominations. According to the results of a continuous four-hour programming tournament winners are determined.

The first place were won by Khasanov Saidzhalol (in category of 26-30 years), Abdukarimov Sirozhiddin (in category of 21-25 years), Boltaboev Nazarbek (in category of 16-20 years), who were awarded with HP 250 J6 i3-6006 4/500 laptops.

Second place and laptops of Acer Extensa EX2519 C5 B9 4/500 were won by Khozhiev Sunatullo, Davronov Murojon, Kodirov Jamshid.

Third place and smartphones Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 64 GB was given to Sadullaev Nodirbek, Juraev Khurshid, Ganiev Asadullo.

There were also winners in the incentive nomination. The easiest algorithm was recognized by Egamov Khudoyshukur, Murtozakulov Khozhamurod, Ismoilov Isfandiyor. In the nomination of the fastest programmer defeated by Sultonov Yuldoshboy, Iskandarov Islom, Razzokberdiev Alisher. Finally, in nomination of the youngest programmer, 17-year-old Azam Behruz won the victory. In nomination of Female Programmers, Anamon Ismoilova and Mavlyuda Rakhimkuliyeva were recognized as the best.

We remind you that this contest started on 4th of February. Young people between the ages of 15 and 30 who have programming skills could take part in it. Registration took place from February 4 to February 15, 2019 on the official website muic.uz.

The main objectives of the competition are identifying and supporting talented young people in the field of ICT and development of entrepreneurial activity of youth.

The competition is held to identify gifted youth in the field of programming for robotics. The competition organizers: the Directorate of the Innovation Center “Mirzo Ulugbek Innovation Center” for the support of the development and implementation of information technologies, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi; ROBOTICS LAB FUTURE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY.

TUIT Press Service