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  • TUIT OPEN 2018

The competitions of the quarter-final stage of the World Programming Championship among student teams of universities in the region of North-Eastern Europe will be held on November 11, 2018 in Uzbekistan. Teams wishing to take part in these competitions in TUIT should register before November 10 at the following link:

We remind you that the semi-final stage of the competition will be held in December 2018 in the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan).

In addition, for the first time on November 24-25, 2018, TUIT OPEN 2018 competitions will be held. Participating teams that have achieved high results in the quarter finals will take part in the programming championship finals, including All-Russian programming championship teams.

Info: The prize fund of TUIT OPEN 2018 is 18 million sums:

1st place 9 million sums;

2nd place 6 million sums;

3rd place 3 million sums.

In addition, participants and mentors of teams were presented with T-shirts with the emblem of the competition and certificates of participation.

Also TUIT OPEN 2018 volunteers will be presented with T-shirts.


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