The meeting of the international DEBSEUz project under the coordination of TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi

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  • The meeting of the international DEBSEUz project under the coordination of TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi

These days, the First Technical Training and Project Meeting of the participants of the international project “Development of the Targeted Educational Program for Bachelors in Solar Energy in Uzbekistan (DEBSEUZ)” will be held in Turin, Italy, hosted by the Politecnico di Torino University within the framework of the Erasmus+ CBHE project.

Professor of Physics Department E.Z. Imamov (Online), Professors of “Data Communication Networks and Systems” Department H.E. Khujamatov (Online), D.T. Hasanov (Online), E.N. Reypnazarov, N.M. Akhmedov and A.P. Lazarev are participating in the event.

The technical training included in the meeting schedule lasts for a week, during which professors from European universities such as the Italian Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), the Portuguese Universidade de Evora (EVORA) and the Spanish Universidad Politecnica De Madrid (UPM) are giving lectures on the following modules:

- Solar energy systems based on PV;

- Solar energy systems based on CSP;

- Energy storage methods and devices;

- Technological measures and tools of industry;

- Solar thermal devices and systems.

The training is focused on the most important theoretical topics to provide basic knowledge to future undergraduate students in the fields organized within the framework of the DEBSEUz project. In addition, the training offers the most interesting educational approaches with practices, laboratories, and group projects to improve skills and competencies.

On the second day a meeting was held to discuss the following issues of the project:

- Analysis of existing educational programs;

- Analysis of dissemination of project results;

- Preparation for the national conference within the framework of the project;

- Purchase of laboratory equipment;

- Quality assurance and involvement of an external quality expert.

Also, within the framework of the meeting, it is planned to visit two laboratories (Solar PV Laboratory and Battery Technology Laboratory at POLITO), as well as a visit to a co-working space for a student team working at POLITO (Auto Racing Team).