"MSITF" festival of innovative technologies in the field of defense was held.

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  • "MSITF" festival of innovative technologies in the field of defense was held.

On May 2-4 this year, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized "MSITF" festival of innovative technologies in the field of defense was held in the territory of Victory Park in Tashkent in order to expand modern scientific and technical innovative ideas, technologies and rationalization developments to the military sector, to support talented young people.

🗒 In this festival, professors, employees and talented students of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi took an active part in the exhibition organized within the framework of the festival with their works. Also, in the second part of the festival, competitions were organized in various directions, in which our young inventive students took part and won several prizes.

📈 Achievements:

  1. Winner of the nomination "Entrepreneurial educational institution";
  2. Winner of the "Best robotics master" nomination;
  3. 3rd place in the "Future Transport Technologies Robotics" competition;
  4. 2nd place in the "Programming" competition.