The joint faculty of information technologies of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmiy and the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics (JFIT TUIT-BSUIR) conducts a number of applicants for training in undergraduate educational programs:
- Information technology software;
- Programmable mobile systems;
- Artificial Intelligence.
Admission of the documents is carried out online.
Telegram channel: https://t.me/pksf2020
Bachelor graduates receive two diplomas: Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmiy and Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics
- The best graduates have employment opportunities in the Republic of Belarus
- At the request of the student, a hostel can be provided in Minsk.
- Students do not have hostel opportunity in Tashkent.
- Students are not paid a scholarship.
- The cost of training is:
- At the first stage (1-2 courses at TUIT) - 1,500 US dollars per year
- At the second stage (3-4 courses in BSUIR) - 2 000 US dollars per year
Requirements for participation in the competition:
1) Submit an online application for participation in the selection committee to the CITIT TUIT-BSUIR selection committee - by July 25, 2020, attaching the following documents in electronic format in GPEG or PNG format (the information in the documents must be readable and recognizable):
- Copy of passport (for persons under 16 years of age - birth certificate)
- Certificate of completion of general secondary education (11 grades) or institutions of secondary vocational education and its application
Online registration can be carried out by sending these documents to the Admission Committee of the JFIT TUIT-BSUIR: http://abitur.tuit.uz (the website of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmiy).
2) Take the entrance test.
The main condition for the selection of applicants for the organization of the competition is the level of knowledge of the Russian language. The selection is based on the results of entrance tests - oral interviews and written tests on the level of Russian language proficiency (with elements of mathematics, physics and computer science).
The competition is held separately for each area of education. Entrance tests are conducted by representatives of BSUIR.
Admission quotas and a list of entrance tests for applicants for educational programs of undergraduate programs of the SIT FIT TUIT-BSUIR for the academic year 2020-2021
University Name |
Educational program |
Number of places for enrollment |
Information technology software |
30 |
Programmable Mobile Systems |
120 |
Artificial Intelligence |
150 |
* by decision of the selection committee, winners of national and international competitions are accepted out of competition, without entrance examinations and in accordance with the chosen educational direction, as well as people who have successfully completed the preparatory department of the JFIT TUIT-BSUIR.
Entrance tests are conducted from August 1 to August 15, 2020 according to the approved schedule of the selection committee.
Training begins on September 2, 2020.
In case of additional questions, you can contact the selection committee by phone:
71 238-64-97
71 238-64-85
71 238-64-34
71 238-65-17
71 238-65-64