The “One Million Uzbek Coders” project, designed to train one million local programmers in Uzbekistan, has officially launched its second season. The initiative provides free online courses to young people, helping them acquire modern skills through the uzbekcoders.uz platform.
❗️The announcement comes during 2024, declared as the “Year of Supporting Youth and Business”, underscoring the project’s relevance.
💻 On November 29, 2024, at Inha University in Tashkent, the opening ceremony of the second season of the "One Million Uzbek Coders" (https://uzbekcoders.uz/) was held. Sherzod Shermatov, the Minister of Digital Technologies, highlighted the advancements in digital education, especially online learning and opportunities to earn international certifications.
🔍 By 2025-2026, the project aims to:
• Increase the number of individuals with international IT certifications to 2.5 million.
• Achieve 30,000 professional international IT certifications.
⭐️ Exceptional incentives are planned, including:
• Electric vehicles for the two best-performing schools.
• 700 laptops for top students across 14 regions.
• Foreign trips for the top 10 teachers.
• 10 million UZS cash prizes for 100 outstanding teachers.
• Monetary rewards for the top 3 higher education institutions.
For more details, visit 👉 https://digital.uz/news/view/28934/