At the moment, the Global Sustainable Development Congress organized by the international rating organization "Times Higher Education" is taking place in Bangkok, Thailand.

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  • At the moment, the Global Sustainable Development Congress organized by the international rating organization "Times Higher Education" is taking place in Bangkok, Thailand.

In this international congress, with the participation of leading companies, international experts - international cooperation for sustainability: the experience of Thai higher education, science, industry and innovation in ensuring a sustainable future after 2030, establishing cooperation in sustainable development and issues such as seminars were organized on these topics.

Also, in the Uzbekistan pavilion of the exhibition hall (, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi and other leading HEIs are participating with their stands.

👥 In addition, TUIT management and members of the organizing committee (commercial director for Great Britain and Europe of the international rating organization "Times Higher Education") Lachin Italmazova, head of the Education Quality Control Department of UNESCO's office in Bangkok Several meetings were organized with Faryal Khan and the manager of Education Worldwide India - Siddharth Jain, and the issues related to the university's entry into the international ranking, international grant projects, attracting foreign students to the university were discussed.