During the meeting, preparations for the 2024/2025 academic year and various other issues were discussed. At the conclusion of the session, several staff members were recognized with awards in various categories:
• Doniyor Sultanbaуevich Yaxshibayev, First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Educational Work, was awarded the "Excellence in Higher Education" badge by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation.
• Professor Elmira Shodmonovna Nazirova, Dean of TTF, and Sanjar Saidkulovich Muminov, Deputy Dean, were honored with the "For Patriotic Education of Youth" medal by T. Muradov, Chairman of the Uzbekistan "Veteran" Warrior-Fighters Association.
• Professor Gulmira Jandarovna Tulenova was recognized for her contributions to the development of religious and educational activities in honor of Teacher and Mentor Day on October 1.
• Norxo‘ja Bahodirovich Nizomov, Assistant of the "Energy Supply Systems" Department, was awarded for his contributions to energy efficiency and resource conservation in Tashkent region.
🎁 As part of tradition, academic degrees and titles from the Higher Attestation Commission were also presented to faculty members:
• Munirakhon Ravshanovna Mukhitdinova, Acting Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department, received the academic title of Associate Professor.
• Gulchehra Nurmakhambetovna Nazarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Digital Technologies Convergence, received the academic title of Associate Professor.
• Furkat Abdirazzokovich Rakhmatov, Head of the Regional Educational Institutions Department, received the academic title of Associate Professor.
• Alisher Shopatxitdinovich Shaxobiddinov, Head of the Admissions and Student Registration Department, received the academic title of Associate Professor.
• Abror Sattarovich Ganiyev, Associate Professor of the Physics Department, was awarded the title of Associate Professor in the field of Semiconductor Physics (01.04.10).