Head of the Human recources:
Begmatova Ziyoda Zaxidjon qizi
Short information about general activity of the Human recources
Human recources operates on the basis of the Laws of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, National program of preparing cadres, Law on education, implemented- into-practice laws on education and upbringing of young generation of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as, decrees, orders, regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications and Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, Labor Code and Guidelines, charter, regulations and guidelines of the division of cadres of TUIT and relevant instructions.
The division follows the internal procedures of the university, regulations, instructions, control rules, labor discipline, and position description. Also it constitutes the work of employees in accordance with the established laws and regulations.
Inspectors of the division, who work with professor-teachers, assistants, assistant and administrative and service personnel, as well as students, directly organize the work according to the tasks and instructions of the head of the division of cadres.
They work in accordance with the guidelines in the established order. Their performance is controlled by the head of the division. They also make suggestions about the management of staff recruitment to the authority.
Together with the university authority, the division of cadres provides staffing with professor-teachers, assistants, administrative and service personnel who has specialty and qualification and whose working level and style meet the demands.
The division: -
- organizes productive laboring to achieve and implement the goals set out in the National Program for Personnel Training.
- coordinates the University staff schedule with the Finance Department and operates according to staffing schedule
- establishes and organizes collaborative work with other organizations on human resources
- controls the identification of the time of hiring, firing, promoting, giving holidays and early withdrawal, additional vacations, contests and certification of professor-teachers, assistant, administrative and service staff.
- The division in consultation with the dean and the heads of the department, provides suggestions to the authority of the university on disciplinary of professor teachers and assistants to ensure that they follow the inside regulations, and on control of that they do not violate the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on rewarding the cadres, providing financial support, on measures of punishing.
- In cooperation with the relevant division (division 2), the division of cadres controls the account of students who must serve in army and who are on the age of army.
- Organizes meetings with graduators of bachelors, masters, and PhD degrees to encourage them work for the university.
- performs the personal profile, personal cards (T-2 form) and CVs of professor-teachers, assistants, administrative and service personnel and students, and organizes procedure of stationary in the required order.
- monitors delivery of documents of the teaching staff, assistant, administrative and service personnel.
- monitors the correctness and completeness of the graduation forms and applications of the graduating students.
- monitors the use of record books and diploma forms
- Keeps track of the employees who have reached the age of retirement, and prepares necessary documents for them for the timely retirement.
- forms and carries out disease records.
- monitors statistic report of the professors, teachers, assistants, administrative and service personnel of the University with a qualification category.
- provides monthly Information on Quota Areas and Vacancies (Vacancies) to the Department of Employment and Social Protection of Population of the district.