Head of the department:
Ahmedjanova Gulbahor Bakiyevna
Tasks of the Department for organizing scientific research activities of gifted students of the Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
The Department for organizing scientific research activities of gifted students is a structural unit of the University and carries out its activities in the search and identification of gifted students. In the activities of the University in the field of training qualified personnel, it is organized in order to form the skills of future specialists to solve issues related to the industry in scientific and practical terms.
The Department for the organization of research and activities of university students is subordinate to the vice-rector for scientific work and innovation of the University.
Research work and activities of students are organized based on modern requirements of the educational system and many years of experience. At the same time, it provides close assistance to students' familiarization and use of national and foreign experience in related fields of science, as well as existing scientific and theoretical resources.
During the activities of the Department for the organization of research activities of gifted students, work is carried out according to the following regulatory legal acts:
- Constitution Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan
- Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- "Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan" on education ;
- "Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan" on Science and scientific activity ;
- Resolution of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 60 of December 24, 2021 “on additional measures to ensure academic and organizational and managerial independence of State Higher Educational Institutions;
- Resolution of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 61 of December 24, 2021 “on measures to give financial independence to state higher educational institutions:
- State standards of Higher Education;
- University Charter;
- Internal procedures of the University;
- The decisions of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, decrees and resolutions of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders of the Ministry of development of Information Technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders of the Ministry of Higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders
- To make recommendations for working with gifted students in a paragraph related to the field of “research work” in the annual academic load of professors and teachers.
- Ensuring the participation of talented students in seminars, exhibitions and scientific conferences at the Republican and international levels.
- To carry out research work, innovative projects, grants, etc.according to the approved plan.
- To send students to carry out research work and coordinate the implementation of research work carried out by them.
- Special training of candidates recommended for the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan state scholarship, named state scholarships and field scholarships from the ranks of talented students.
- Candidates recommended to the state scholarship of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan, named state scholarships and field scholarships to analyze their academic work and assist them with the necessary advice.
- Organization and holding of international and Republican Science Olympiads at a high level.
- Participation in hackathons for University Students Organization of large circles.
- To focus on the work of university students outside the audience mainly on creativity, research work, participation in scientific circles.
- To carry out activities aimed at the development and implementation of programs, projects aimed at its development, based on the tasks assigned to the Department of gifted students;
- Creation and implementation of programs, projects, initiatives aimed at its development, based on the tasks assigned to the Department of gifted students.
The purpose of the organization and development of research and activities of students
- Improve students ' knowledge in related fields of science;
- Increase the creative abilities and freedom of creativity of university students, as well as the formation and development of a sense of initiative in them in the educational process and practical activities that they carry out in the future;
- Provides for the organization of research activities of students, ensuring their participation in scientific seminars, conferences, round tables, Olympiads, competitions, which are carried out within the framework of the University, at the Universities of the Republic and at the international level;
- Formation of the creative approach of students to their specialty through the implementation of research activities, assistance in the formation of personal professional characteristics of future specialists.
- Assistance in achieving the expected quality and effect in the organization of work on the selection of young people capable of further educational stages of Higher Education.
Principles of Organization of research work and activities of students at the University:
- Interdependence and inextricable conduct of educational and research processes;
- Formation of both theoretical and practical skills in the organization of research activities of students;
- Duration and continuity of research activities of students (bachelor, master);
- Organization of research activities of students in accordance with the stages of educational programs and educational processes;
- To complicate the methods and forms used in research activities according to the student's level of Knowledge (course).
- Participation of students in scientific seminars, exhibitions, conferences, round tables, congresses, forums, which are carried out within the framework of the University, at the Universities of the Republic and at the international level;
- Scientific and creative publications of students.
Types of implementation of research activities of students
- Study of the methodology of Planning, Organization and implementation of research work;
- To get acquainted with the directions of scientific activity of the University, the principles, traditions, achievements of their activities;
- Participation of students in the activities of scientific circles, research and other scientific units;
- Search and selection of research topics in scientific areas;
- Publication of articles in scientific journals;
- Publication of articles in foreign scientific publications (Scopus list);
- Publication of scientific treatises and monographs;
- Participation in Science Olympiads.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti davlat stipendiyasi hamda nomli davlat stipendiya olish tartibi.
Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi stipendiya ta’sis etish tartibi.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezident grantini olish tartibi (PQ-5172 son qarori).