
Head of Department:
Abdullayeva Zamira Shamshaddinovna
Department of "Basic of informatics" was established in 1976 as the "Computational Mathematics". Since September 1995, the Department has been named as the "informatics" with the purpose to increase the knowledge on the field of modern information and communication technologies. Called "Basic of informatics" has been given since September 2013, the department.
From 1976 to 1988, the department was headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan F.B. Abutaliev. From 1988 to 1995 he headed the department Ph.D., associate professor Yu.K.Ahatov.
In September 1995, the department was renamed to the "science" in order to develop fundamental knowledge in the field of modern information and communication technologies. From 1995 to September 2010, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bakhtiyor Radzhapov Sharipovich.



On 10 January 2011 until April 2014, the department was under the direction of the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Nazirov Shodmonkul Abdirozikovich.
When manual Nazirov Sh. a lot of things done. In particular, since 2012, began working http://acm.tuit.uz automated checking system - to validate the program. Today time this website takes 100 place among the strongest on the national scale for users visit.

With Nazirov Sh Since 2004, the year began in TUIT held the World Cup semi-final competition on programming under way in the North-Eastern Europe.
It should be noted that, the team of Uzbek universities are taking part in the quarterfinal competition. In the semifinals compete with the Uzbek team and the team Kazakstan and Kyrgyzstan, which have shown good results in the quarter. The Department is responsible for the carrying out of this World Cup.
Chair of "Fundamentals of Computer" was named in 2014 by the department. The department conduct lectures and laboratory work on the subject of "Programming in C ++" for all directions Tuit 1 and 2 courses.
From April 2014 to December 2015, at the Department of "Basic of informatics" working Candidate of Technical Sciences Rakhmonov Kurbon Sodikovich.
From January 2016 until January 2017, the head of the department "Basic of informatics " was appointed Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nishanov Akram Hasanovich.
From January 2017 until November 2017, to the post of head of the department "Basic of informatics " was appointed doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Sadullayeva Shahlo Azimbaevna until today.
November 2017 as head of the Department "Basic of informatics" was requested Mahmudov Anvarjon Zokirovich temporarily running the Department until today.
Since January 2018, the Department of Basic of informatics has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences Muminov Bakhodir Boltaevich.
Since March 2018, the department of "Basic of informatics" has been headed by the candidate of technical sciences Rakhimov Nodir Adilovich.
From March 2019 until January 2022, to the present, the Department of Basic of informatics is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Muminov Bakhodir Boltaevich.
From January 2022 to the present, the Department of Basic of informatics is headed by doctor of philosophy in physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD), associate professor, Abdullaeva Zamira Shamshaddinovna.
Since then, over 50 teachers have worked at the department in scientific and pedagogical directions, in particular 2 professors, 25 candidates of sciences and associate professors.
Since the establishment of the department, 2 members of the department received doctorate degrees and 20 candidates of science degrees. The department has 3 lectures and 4 practice classes, where professors help students in effective training.
Also, "Algorithm and programming" and "Programmer" additional classes are held in our department.Qualified professors regularly prepare talented students for programming Olympiads.
- Programming
- Programming language
- Information and communication technologies in the economy
- Information technologies in technical systems
- Abdullayeva Zamira Shamshaddinovna- Head of Department doctor of philosophy in physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor
- Qudratov Sulton Gulyamovich - Ph.D associate Professor
- Khaidarova Markhamat Yunusovna - Ph.D, associate Professor
- Qosimova Shoista Tashevna - dotsent
- Kurbanov Nozim Muhammadrashitovich - Ph.D., associate professor
- Fayzullaeva Zarnigor Innoyatullayevna - Ph.D., associate professor
- Mirzaeva Gulmira Rustamovna - Ph.D., associate professor
- Ishniyazov Odil Olimovich - dotsent
- Abdurakhmanov Abbos Abdusattarovich - senior teacher
- Gulyamova Dilfuza Rukhmatullaevna - senior teacher
- Ibragimova Kamila Akhmedovna - senior teacher
- Rustamova Mohichehra Yakhshiboevna - senior teacher
- Shokirov Shodmon Shoyimovich - senior teacher
- Alikulov Akmal Khushmuratovich - senior teacher
- Saidov Samandar Muzaffarovich - senior teacher
- Chulliev Shokhrukh Ibadullaevich – assistant
- Shobdarov Elbek Bekkadir uli - assistant
- Botirov Nigora Shuxratjon qizi - assistant
- Normoʼminov Аkbar Kamol ogli - assistant
- Аlimov Xayriddin Tuxtamurod ugli - assistant
- Sharipov Elbek Jumanazarovich - assistant
- Soxibova Xolida Davron qizi - assistant
Currently, the main structure of the department is 3 associate professors, 7 senior teachers, 9 assistants. Science is conducted using multimedia systems. For this, electronic learning resources have been created. The department employs 3 doctoral students and 2 independent researchers.
Scientific-methodical work of the department
- Абдуллаева З. Ш. Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Программирование 1» TOSHKENT 2023, 314 b.
- Abdullayeva Z.Sh. Ishniyazov O.O. Dasturlash I va Dasturlash II fanidan (sirtqi ta’lim yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun) O‘QUV QO‘LLANMA .TOSHKENT 2022, 243 b.
- Nazirov Sh.A., Kabulov R.V., Babajanov M.R., Raxmanov Q.S. "C va C++ tili” , Toshkent: "Voris-nashriyot”, 2013. – 488 b.
- Хайдарова М.Ю., Марышева Л.Т., Кудратов С.Г., Ташпулатова Н.Б. "Сборник заданий и методических указаний к лабораторным работам по курсу Основы программирования” ТУИТ, Ташкент 134 с.
- Рахманов К.С., Касимова Ш.Т., Гапурова А.А. "Сборник заданий и методических указаний к лабораторным работам по предмету программирование на С/С++”. ТУИТ. Ташкент, 2014. 191 с.
- Raxmanov Q.S., Mo‘minov B.B, Qasimova Sh.T., Maxmudov A.Z. "C/C++ dadasturlash kursidan laboratoriya ishlari uchun uslubiy qo‘llanma”, Toshkent 2014 y. 126 b.
- Mo‘minov B.B. Informatika: o‘quv qo‘llanma T: "Tafakkur bo‘stoni”, 2014.344 b
- Moʻminov B.B., Dasturlash I. Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va oʻrta maxsus taʻlim vazirligi. – T.: «NAMUNA», 2020. –311 b.
- Moʻminov B.B., Dasturlash II. Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va oʻrta maxsus taʻlim vazirligi. – T.: «NAMUNA», 2020. –605 b.
- Абдуллаева З. Ш. Алгоритм и численное решение внутренней краевой задачи для уравнения третьего порядка составного типа// Агентство по интеллектуальной собственности РУз. Свидетельство №DGU 0412, 2018.
- Фаязов К.С., Абдуллаева З.Ш. The boundary-internal problem for a system of the second-order equations of a mixed type// National University of Uzbekistan Holon Institute Of Technology Eye From Zion, – Medical Humanitarian Mission Abstracts of the Joint// International Conference STEMM Science – Technology – Education – Mathematics – Medicine, May 13–17, Bukhara-Samarkand-Tashkent 2019, P. 46-47.
- Фаязов К.С., Абдуллаева З.Ш. Задача с внутренними и граничными данными для составного дифференциально-операторного уравнения n -го порядка// Международная научная конференция «Актуальные проблемы прикладной математики и информационных технологий», – Ташкент, 14-15 ноября 2019 г. –C. 176.
- Fayazov K.S., Abdullayeva Z. Sh. An interior boundary value problem for a system of second-order mixed-type equations// Madern problem of appl. Math. and inform. Techn. Al-Khwarizmi 2021. p.166.
- Fayazov K.S., Abdullayeva Z. Sh. An interior boundary value problem for a system of partial differential equations of mixed type// Тезисы докладов Республики научной конференции с участием зарубежных ученых Сарымсаковские чтения, 16-18 сентября 2021 года Ташкент, Узбекистан, 205 стр.
- Abdullayeva Z. Sh., Abduraxmanov A. A., Ibragimova K. A., Babajanov M. R., Xaydarova M. Y., Abduraxmanov An. A.// Maktab, kollej va litsey o‘qituvchilarining dars jadvalini yaratadigan dasturiy ta’minot. 11.11.2021 Talabnoma raqami: DGU 2021 3580.
- Abdullayeva Z. Sh., Abduraxmanov A. A., Ibragimova K. A., Gulyamova D. R., Xaydarova M. Y., Abduraxmanov An. A.//Avtomatlashtirilgan dori-darmon mahsulotlarini ro‘yhatga olish va sotib olish tizimi. 11.11.2021 Talabnoma raqami: DGU 2021 3581.
- Abdullayeva Z. Sh., Abduraxmanov A. A., Abduraxmanov An. A.// Hususiy xosilali aralash tuzilmali tenglamalar sistemasi uchun ichki chegaraviy masala yechimini sonli yechilishi 11.11.2021
- Abdullayeva Z. Sh., Abduraxmanov A. A., Ibragimova K. A., Babajanov M. R., Xaydarova M. Y., Abduraxmanov An. A.// Maktab, kollej va litsey o‘qituvchilarining dars jadvalini yaratadigan dasturiy ta’minot. 11.11.2021 Talabnoma raqami: DGU 2021 3580.