We invite you to take part in the meeting devoted to the defense of the dissertation work of Hidirova Mokhiniso Bahramovna for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc) in the specialty 05.01.07 - “Mathematical Modeling. Quantitative methods and complex programs "on the topic:" Qo'zg'aluvchan muhitlarni matematik modellashtirish usullari ".
We invite you to take part in a scientific seminar devoted to the discussion of the dissertation of Mamaraufov Odil Abdihamitovich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) in technical sciences in the specialty 05.01.03-“Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science” on the topic:”Methods and algorithms for processing images of dynamic objects in systems video surveillance”.
As we reported earlier, in late November – early December in Tashkent will be held an annual Hackathon to develop apps using open data.
The Open Data Challenge is a competition where teams of programmers compete in rapid development of products based on open public data.
On November 8 of this year, the Indian delegation headed by the President of Integral University Mr. V. Akhtar visited TUIT.
The competitions of the quarter-final stage of the World Programming Championship among student teams of universities in the region of North-Eastern Europe will be held on November 11, 2018 in Uzbekistan.