
The national team of Uzbekistan is participating in the prestigious First Global Challenge 2024 international robotics competition, which is taking place in Greece.

Menu | 30-09-2024 | 09:22

In this prestigious competition, Z. Kadyrov was involved as the head of the national team from TUIT, and the national team is captained by a student of our university M. Teshabaev.

The Third Forum of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Uzbekistan and Turkey is currently taking place in Istanbul, Turkey.

Menu | 28-09-2024 | 14:07

As part of this forum, a cooperation agreement was signed between Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (TUIT) and Fırat University of Turkey. The agreement outlines collaboration in areas such as the exchange of professors and students, organizing joint academic programs and seminars, improving the quality of education, and conducting internships and professional development courses.

The Third Turkey-Uzbekistan Education Forum has commenced.

Menu | 28-09-2024 | 14:04

On September 27, the Third Turkey-Uzbekistan Education Forum began in Istanbul. The forum is attended by rectors from around 30 higher education institutions from Uzbekistan and nearly 60 university leaders from Turkey.

Representatives from "BRB-TECH," one of the leading IT companies established under the "Bank for Business Development," visited Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT).

Menu | 28-09-2024 | 14:01

During the meeting, discussions centered on opportunities for university graduates to undergo internships at the company, possibilities of securing high-paying permanent positions, and organizing seminars and training sessions at the university with the participation of top specialists of the company. Additionally, a collaboration memorandum was discussed to formalize these opportunities.

"Three Generations Meeting" was organized at TUIT.

Menu | 26-09-2024 | 09:41

The event, hosted by the "Software Engineering" Faculty of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, brought together past, present, and future generations in a circle that highlighted the traditions of mentorship and national values.

A psychological training was conducted with the participation of female students at TUIT.

Menu | 26-09-2024 | 09:37

The psychological training session was conducted for female students of TUIT residing in the student dormitories. The core focus of the training included exercises aimed at relieving tension, fostering team cohesion, and promoting self-awareness through psychotechnical activities. The objective of the session was to help students better understand their strengths, boost self-esteem, overcome insecurities and fears, and assist them in fully comprehending their actions during their academic and pe