We invite you to a scientific seminar on approbation of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of technical Sciences (DSc) Khujamatov Khalimjon Ergashevich

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  • We invite you to a scientific seminar on approbation of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of technical Sciences (DSc) Khujamatov Khalimjon Ergashevich

We invite you to a scientific seminar on approbation of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of technical Sciences (DSc) Khujamatov Khalimjon Ergashevich on the theme of Models and algorithms for automated monitoring of hybrid energy supply sources of telecommunication devices in IoT based, presented in the specialty 05.04.01-“Telecommunication and Computer Systems, Telecommunication Networks and Devices. Information Distribution”.


Scientific consultant: DSc, professor, Siddikov I.Kh.


The seminar will be held on November 14, 2023 on 101-room, E building. Beginning at 10:00 a.m.