We are announcing a 50 percent educational grant for the purpose of all-round support and involvement of women in the IT field!

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  • We are announcing a 50 percent educational grant for the purpose of all-round support and involvement of women in the IT field!

✅ The Ministry of Digital Technologies and the MAAB Innovation (https://t.me/maabinnovation) company will jointly offer 5 women a special opportunity to continue their activities in the field of IT as a highly profitable profession.

❗️ Women between 18 and 35 years of age can use this opportunity and submit an application.

If you want to learn your future profession for free and build a successful career in the IT field, definitely take part in the competition!

Hurry up! Registration will continue until June 15:

🔗 Click this 👉 link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedXEXIlK1QENohwAEiEdsGQ8IzFY9fo-e1ivCIjqfMWZcsvg/viewform?usp=sf_link) 👈 to register!